Datei: Provider/MySqlNdoProvider/MySqlUISupport/MySqlUIProvider.cs

Last Commit (f4949d4)
1 using NDO.UISupport;
2 using System;
3 using System.Collections.Generic;
4 using System.Linq;
5 using System.Text;
6 using System.Windows.Forms;
8 namespace MySqlUISupport
9 {
10 ····public class MySqlUIProvider : DbUISupportBase
11 ····{
12 ········public override string Name => "MySql";
14 ········public override NdoDialogResult ShowCreateDbDialog( ref object necessaryData )
15 ········{
16 ············NDOCreateDbParameter par;
17 ············if (necessaryData == null)
18 ················par = new NDOCreateDbParameter( string.Empty, "Data Source=localhost;User Id=root;" );
19 ············else
20 ················par = necessaryData as NDOCreateDbParameter;
21 ············if (par == null)
22 ················throw new ArgumentException( "MySql provider: parameter type " + necessaryData.GetType().FullName + " is wrong.", "necessaryData" );
23 ············if (par.ConnectionString == null || par.ConnectionString == string.Empty)
24 ················par.ConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;User Id=root";
25 ············ConnectionDialog dlg = new ConnectionDialog( par.ConnectionString, true );
26 ············if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel)
27 ················return NdoDialogResult.Cancel;
28 ············par.ConnectionString = dlg.ConnectionString;
29 ············par.DatabaseName = dlg.Database;
30 ············necessaryData = par;
31 ············return NdoDialogResult.OK;
32 ········}
34 ········public override NdoDialogResult ShowConnectionDialog( ref string connectionString )
35 ········{
36 ············ConnectionDialog dlg = new ConnectionDialog( connectionString, false );
37 ············if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel)
38 ················return NdoDialogResult.Cancel;
39 ············connectionString = dlg.ConnectionString;
40 ············return NdoDialogResult.OK;
41 ········}
43 ········public override string CreateDatabase( object necessaryData )
44 ········{
45 ············// Don't need to check, if type is OK, since that happens in CreateDatabase
46 ············NDOCreateDbParameter par = necessaryData as NDOCreateDbParameter;
48 return Provider. CreateDatabase( par. DatabaseName, par. ConnectionString ) ;
49 ········}
50 ····}
51 }
New Commit (947ce88)
1 using NDO.UISupport;
2 using System;
3 using System.Collections.Generic;
4 using System.Linq;
5 using System.Text;
6 using System.Windows.Forms;
8 namespace MySqlUISupport
9 {
10 ····public class MySqlUIProvider : DbUISupportBase
11 ····{
12 ········public override string Name => "MySql";
14 ········public override NdoDialogResult ShowCreateDbDialog( ref object necessaryData )
15 ········{
16 ············NDOCreateDbParameter par;
17 ············if (necessaryData == null)
18 ················par = new NDOCreateDbParameter( string.Empty, "Data Source=localhost;User Id=root;" );
19 ············else
20 ················par = necessaryData as NDOCreateDbParameter;
21 ············if (par == null)
22 ················throw new ArgumentException( "MySql provider: parameter type " + necessaryData.GetType().FullName + " is wrong.", "necessaryData" );
23 ············if (par.ConnectionString == null || par.ConnectionString == string.Empty)
24 ················par.ConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;User Id=root";
25 ············ConnectionDialog dlg = new ConnectionDialog( par.ConnectionString, true );
26 ············if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel)
27 ················return NdoDialogResult.Cancel;
28 ············par.ConnectionString = dlg.ConnectionString;
29 ············par.DatabaseName = dlg.Database;
30 ············necessaryData = par;
31 ············return NdoDialogResult.OK;
32 ········}
34 ········public override NdoDialogResult ShowConnectionDialog( ref string connectionString )
35 ········{
36 ············ConnectionDialog dlg = new ConnectionDialog( connectionString, false );
37 ············if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.Cancel)
38 ················return NdoDialogResult.Cancel;
39 ············connectionString = dlg.ConnectionString;
40 ············return NdoDialogResult.OK;
41 ········}
43 ········public override string CreateDatabase( object necessaryData )
44 ········{
45 ············// Don't need to check, if type is OK, since that happens in CreateDatabase
46 ············NDOCreateDbParameter par = necessaryData as NDOCreateDbParameter;
48 return EnsureProvider( ) . CreateDatabase( par. DatabaseName, par. ConnectionString ) ;
49 ········}
50 ····}
51 }