the Visual Studio Extension (.vsix)
The Extension provides a NDO Toolbar with a configuration button. If you configure a project to use NDO, the newest ndo.dll package will be installed from Nuget.
Search for "ndo" on to find the NDO providers for database support. Just install them with install-package to access the database.
A sample app can be found here.
Get the sources
The sources are kept at github:
In order to download the stable version 4.0 of NDO, use this link.
Clone the Source Code from here. Open a Visual Studio developer console and change to the directory path-to-your-ndo-copy\make. Enter msbuild ndo.proj. The ndo package will be in the bin\release folder. In order to get debug versions of the NDO.dll, compile first the NDOInterfaces project as debug version and then the NDODLL project.
WARNING: Ignore test project errors when compiling the NDO.dll in Visual Studio. For the tests, you must first
- Compile NDOInterfaces in debug version
- Compile NDO.dll in debug version
- Compile a debug version of the NDOEnhancer
- Then compile the IntegrationTests solution
- Then you can compile the NDO tests.
If you find a bug, send a report to us. If you were able to fix the bug, please send a patch to us. If you want to contribute more frequently, send a message and we'll give you a GIT account with write permissions.
Use the contact form to send support mails to us. Note: We'll provide a possibility to generate tickets soon at this Website.