Datei: NDODLL/PersistenceManager.cs

Last Commit (42f9eb7)
1 //
2 // Copyright (c) 2002-2016 Mirko Matytschak
3 // (
4 //
5 // Author: Mirko Matytschak
6 //
7 // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated
8 // documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
9 // the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the
10 // Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
11 // conditions:
13 // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions
14 // of the Software.
15 //
23 using System;
24 using System.Text;
25 using System.IO;
26 using System.Collections;
27 using System.Collections.Generic;
28 using System.Data;
29 using System.Diagnostics;
30 using System.Reflection;
31 using System.Dynamic;
32 using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
33 using System.Linq;
34 using System.Xml.Linq;
36 using NDO.Mapping;
37 using NDOInterfaces;
38 using NDO.ShortId;
39 using System.Globalization;
40 using NDO.Linq;
41 using NDO.Query;
42 using ST = System.Transactions;
43 using NDO.Configuration;
44 using NDO.ChangeLogging;
46 namespace NDO
47 {
48 ····/// <summary>
49 ····/// Delegate type of an handler, which can be registered by the CollisionEvent of the PersistenceManager.
50 ····/// <see cref="NDO.PersistenceManager.CollisionEvent"/>
51 ····/// </summary>
52 ····public delegate void CollisionHandler(object o);
53 ····/// <summary>
54 ····/// Delegate type of an handler, which can be registered by the IdGenerationEvent event of the PersistenceManager.
55 ····/// <see cref="NDO.PersistenceManagerBase.IdGenerationEvent"/>
56 ····/// </summary>
57 ····public delegate void IdGenerationHandler(Type t, ObjectId oid);
58 ····/// <summary>
59 ····/// Delegate type of an handler, which can be registered by the OnSaving event of the PersistenceManager.
60 ····/// </summary>
61 ····public delegate void OnSavingHandler(ICollection l);
62 ····/// <summary>
63 ····/// Delegate type for the OnSavedEvent.
64 ····/// </summary>
65 ····/// <param name="auditSet"></param>
66 ····public delegate void OnSavedHandler(AuditSet auditSet);
68 ····/// <summary>
69 ····/// Delegate type of an handler, which can be registered by the ObjectNotPresentEvent of the PersistenceManager. The event will be called, if LoadData doesn't find an object with the given oid.
70 ····/// </summary>
71 ····/// <param name="pc"></param>
72 ····/// <returns>A boolean value which determines, if the handler could solve the situation.</returns>
73 ····/// <remarks>If the handler returns false, NDO will throw an exception.</remarks>
74 ····public delegate bool ObjectNotPresentHandler( IPersistenceCapable pc );
76 ····/// <summary>
77 ····/// Standard implementation of the IPersistenceManager interface. Provides transaction like manipulation of data sets.
78 ····/// This is the main class you'll work with in your application code. For more information see the topic "Persistence Manager" in the NDO Documentation.
79 ····/// </summary>
80 ····public class PersistenceManager : PersistenceManagerBase, IPersistenceManager
81 ····{········
82 ········private bool hollowMode = false;
83 ········private Dictionary<Relation, IMappingTableHandler> mappingHandler = new Dictionary<Relation,IMappingTableHandler>(); // currently used handlers
85 ········private Hashtable currentRelations = new Hashtable(); // Contains names of current bidirectional relations
86 ········private ObjectLock removeLock = new ObjectLock();
87 ········private ObjectLock addLock = new ObjectLock();
88 ········private ArrayList createdDirectObjects = new ArrayList(); // List of newly created objects that need to be stored twice to update foreign keys.
89 ········// List of created objects that use mapping table and need to be stored in mapping table
90 ········// after they have been stored to the database to update foreign keys.
91 ········private ArrayList createdMappingTableObjects = new ArrayList();··
92 ········private TypeManager typeManager;
93 ········internal bool DeferredMode { get; private set; }
94 ········private INDOTransactionScope transactionScope;
95 ········internal INDOTransactionScope TransactionScope => transactionScope ?? (transactionScope = ConfigContainer.Resolve<INDOTransactionScope>());········
97 ········private OpenConnectionListener openConnectionListener;
99 ········/// <summary>
100 ········/// Register a listener to this event if you work in concurrent scenarios and you use TimeStamps.
101 ········/// If a collision occurs, this event gets fired and gives the opportunity to handle the situation.
102 ········/// </summary>
103 ········public event CollisionHandler CollisionEvent;
105 ········/// <summary>
106 ········/// Register a listener to this event to handle situations where LoadData doesn't find an object.
107 ········/// The listener can determine, whether an exception should be thrown, if the situation occurs.
108 ········/// </summary>
109 ········public event ObjectNotPresentHandler ObjectNotPresentEvent;
111 ········/// <summary>
112 ········/// Register a listener to this event, if you want to be notified about the end
113 ········/// of a transaction. The listener gets a ICollection of all objects, which have been changed
114 ········/// during the transaction and are to be saved or deleted.
115 ········/// </summary>
116 ········public event OnSavingHandler OnSavingEvent;
117 ········/// <summary>
118 ········/// This event is fired at the very end of the Save() method. It provides lists of the added, changed, and deleted objects.
119 ········/// </summary>
120 ········public event OnSavedHandler OnSavedEvent;
121 ········
122 ········private const string hollowMarker = "Hollow";
123 ········private byte[] encryptionKey;
124 ········private List<RelationChangeRecord> relationChanges = new List<RelationChangeRecord>();
125 ········private bool isClosing = false;
127 ········/// <summary>
128 ········/// Gets a list of structures which represent relation changes, i.e. additions and removals
129 ········/// </summary>
130 ········protected internal List<RelationChangeRecord> RelationChanges
131 ········{
132 ············get { return this.relationChanges; }
133 ········}
135 ········/// <summary>
136 ········/// Initializes a new PersistenceManager instance.
137 ········/// </summary>
138 ········/// <param name="mappingFileName"></param>
139 ········protected override void Init(string mappingFileName)
140 ········{
141 ············try
142 ············{
143 ················base.Init(mappingFileName);
144 ············}
145 ············catch (Exception ex)
146 ············{
147 ················if (ex is NDOException)
148 ····················throw ex;
149 ················throw new NDOException(30, "Persistence manager initialization error: " + ex.ToString());
150 ············}
152 ········}
154 ········/// <summary>
155 ········/// Initializes the persistence manager
156 ········/// </summary>
157 ········/// <remarks>
158 ········/// Note: This is the method, which will be called from all different ways to instantiate a PersistenceManagerBase.
159 ········/// </remarks>
160 ········/// <param name="mapping"></param>
161 ········internal override void Init( Mappings mapping )
162 ········{
163 ············ConfigContainer.RegisterType<INDOTransactionScope, NDOTransactionScope>();
165 ············base.Init( mapping );
167 ············string dir = Path.GetDirectoryName( mapping.FileName );
169 ············string typesFile = Path.Combine( dir, "NDOTypes.xml" );
170 ············typeManager = new TypeManager( typesFile, this.mappings );
172 ············sm = new StateManager( this );
174 ············InitClasses();
175 ········}
178 ········/// <summary>
179 ········/// Standard Constructor.
180 ········/// </summary>
181 ········/// <remarks>
182 ········/// Searches for a mapping file in the application directory.
183 ········/// The constructor tries to find a file with the same name as
184 ········/// the assembly, but with the extension .ndo.xml. If the file is not found the constructor tries to find a
185 ········/// file called AssemblyName.ndo.mapping in the application directory.
186 ········/// </remarks>
187 ········public PersistenceManager() : base()
188 ········{
189 ········}
191 ········/// <summary>
192 ········/// Loads the mapping file from the specified location. This allows to use
193 ········/// different mapping files with different classes mapped in it.
194 ········/// </summary>
195 ········/// <param name="mappingFile">Path to the mapping file.</param>
196 ········/// <remarks>Only the Professional and Enterprise
197 ········/// Editions can handle more than one mapping file.</remarks>
198 ········public PersistenceManager(string mappingFile) : base (mappingFile)
199 ········{
200 ········}
202 ········/// <summary>
203 ········/// Constructs a PersistenceManager and reuses a cached NDOMapping.
204 ········/// </summary>
205 ········/// <param name="mapping">The cached mapping object</param>
206 ········public PersistenceManager(NDOMapping mapping) : base (mapping)
207 ········{
208 ········}
210 ········#region Object Container Stuff
211 ········/// <summary>
212 ········/// Gets a container of all loaded objects and tries to load all child objects,
213 ········/// which are reachable through composite relations.
214 ········/// </summary>
215 ········/// <returns>An ObjectContainer object.</returns>
216 ········/// <remarks>
217 ········/// It is not recommended, to transfer objects with a state other than Hollow,
218 ········/// Persistent, or Transient.
219 ········/// The transfer format is binary.
220 ········/// </remarks>
221 ········public ObjectContainer GetObjectContainer()
222 ········{
223 ············IList l = this.cache.AllObjects;
224 ············foreach(IPersistenceCapable pc in l)
225 ············{
226 ················if (pc.NDOObjectState == NDOObjectState.PersistentDirty)
227 ················{
228 ····················if (this.VerboseMode)
229 ························this.LogAdapter.Warn("Call to GetObjectContainer returns changed objects.");
230 ····················System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("NDO warning: Call to GetObjectContainer returns changed objects.");
231 ················}
232 ············}
233 ············ObjectContainer oc = new ObjectContainer();
234 ············oc.AddList(l);
235 ············return oc;
236 ········}
238 ········/// <summary>
239 ········/// Returns a container of all objects provided in the objects list and searches for
240 ········/// child objects according to the serFlags.
241 ········/// </summary>
242 ········/// <param name="objects">The list of the root objects to add to the container.</param>
243 ········/// <returns>An ObjectContainer object.</returns>
244 ········/// <remarks>
245 ········/// It is not recommended, to transfer objects with a state other than Hollow,
246 ········/// Persistent, or Transient.
247 ········/// </remarks>
248 ········public ObjectContainer GetObjectContainer(IList objects)
249 ········{
250 ············foreach(object o in objects)
251 ············{
252 ················CheckPc(o);
253 ················IPersistenceCapable pc = o as IPersistenceCapable;
254 ················if (pc.NDOObjectState == NDOObjectState.Hollow)
255 ····················LoadData(pc);
256 ············}
257 ············ObjectContainer oc = new ObjectContainer();
258 ············oc.AddList(objects);
259 ············return oc;
260 ········}
263 ········/// <summary>
264 ········/// Returns a container containing the provided object
265 ········/// and tries to load all child objects
266 ········/// reachable through composite relations.
267 ········/// </summary>
268 ········/// <param name="obj">The object to be added to the container.</param>
269 ········/// <returns>An ObjectContainer object.</returns>
270 ········/// <remarks>
271 ········/// It is not recommended, to transfer objects with a state other than Hollow,
272 ········/// Persistent, or Transient.
273 ········/// The transfer format is binary.
274 ········/// </remarks>
275 ········public ObjectContainer GetObjectContainer(Object obj)
276 ········{
277 ············CheckPc(obj);
278 ············if (((IPersistenceCapable)obj).NDOObjectState == NDOObjectState.Hollow)
279 ················LoadData(obj);
280 ············ObjectContainer oc = new ObjectContainer();
281 ············oc.AddObject(obj);
282 ············return oc;
283 ········}
285 ········/// <summary>
286 ········/// Merges an object container to the active objects in the pm. All changes and the state
287 ········/// of the objects will be taken over by the pm.
288 ········/// </summary>
289 ········/// <remarks>
290 ········/// The parameter can be either an ObjectContainer or a ChangeSetContainer.
291 ········/// The flag MarkAsTransient can be used to perform a kind
292 ········/// of object based replication using the ObjectContainer class.
293 ········/// Objects, which are persistent at one machine, can be transfered
294 ········/// to a second machine and treated by the receiving PersistenceManager like a newly created
295 ········/// object. The receiving PersistenceManager will use MakePersistent to store the whole
296 ········/// transient object tree.
297 ········/// There is one difference to freshly created objects: If an object id exists, it will be
298 ········/// serialized. If the NDOOidType-Attribute is valid for the given class, the transfered
299 ········/// oids will be reused by the receiving PersistenceManager.
300 ········/// </remarks>
301 ········/// <param name="ocb">The object container to be merged.</param>
302 ········public void MergeObjectContainer(ObjectContainerBase ocb)
303 ········{
304 ············ChangeSetContainer csc = ocb as ChangeSetContainer;
305 ············if (csc != null)
306 ············{
307 ················MergeChangeSet(csc);
308 ················return;
309 ············}
310 ············ObjectContainer oc = ocb as ObjectContainer;
311 ············if (oc != null)
312 ············{
313 ················InternalMergeObjectContainer(oc);
314 ················return;
315 ············}
316 ············throw new NDOException(42, "Wrong argument type: MergeObjectContainer expects either an ObjectContainer or a ChangeSetContainer object as parameter.");
317 ········}
320 ········void InternalMergeObjectContainer(ObjectContainer oc)
321 ········{
322 ············// TODO: Check, if other states are useful. Find use scenarios.
323 ············foreach(IPersistenceCapable pc in oc.RootObjects)
324 ············{
325 ················if (pc.NDOObjectState == NDOObjectState.Transient)
326 ····················MakePersistent(pc);
327 ············}
328 ············foreach(IPersistenceCapable pc in oc.RootObjects)
329 ············{
330 ················new OnlineMergeIterator(, this.cache).Iterate(pc);
331 ············}
332 ········}
334 ········void MergeChangeSet(ChangeSetContainer cs)
335 ········{
336 ············foreach(IPersistenceCapable pc in cs.AddedObjects)
337 ············{
338 ················InternalMakePersistent(pc, false);
339 ············}
340 ············foreach(ObjectId oid in cs.DeletedObjects)
341 ············{
342 ················IPersistenceCapable pc2 = FindObject(oid);
343 ················Delete(pc2);
344 ············}
345 ············foreach(IPersistenceCapable pc in cs.ChangedObjects)
346 ············{
347 ················IPersistenceCapable pc2 = FindObject(pc.NDOObjectId);
348 ················Class pcClass = GetClass(pc);
349 ················// Make sure, the object is loaded.
350 ················if (pc2.NDOObjectState == NDOObjectState.Hollow)
351 ····················LoadData(pc2);
352 ················MarkDirty( pc2 );··// This locks the object and generates a LockEntry, which contains a row
353 ················var entry = cache.LockedObjects.FirstOrDefault( e => e.pc.NDOObjectId == pc.NDOObjectId );
354 ················DataRow row = entry.row;
355 ················pc.NDOWrite(row, pcClass.ColumnNames, 0);
356 ················pc2.NDORead(row, pcClass.ColumnNames, 0);
357 ············}
358 ············foreach(RelationChangeRecord rcr in cs.RelationChanges)
359 ············{
360 ················IPersistenceCapable parent = FindObject(rcr.Parent.NDOObjectId);
361 ················IPersistenceCapable child = FindObject(rcr.Child.NDOObjectId);
362 ················Class pcClass = GetClass(parent);
363 ················Relation r = pcClass.FindRelation(rcr.RelationName);
364 ················if (!parent.NDOLoadState.RelationLoadState[r.Ordinal])
365 ····················LoadRelation(parent, r, true);
366 ················if (rcr.IsAdded)
367 ················{
368 ····················InternalAddRelatedObject(parent, r, child, true);
369 ····················if (r.Multiplicity == RelationMultiplicity.Element)
370 ····················{
371 ························mappings.SetRelationField(parent, r.FieldName, child);
372 ····················}
373 ····················else
374 ····················{
375 ························IList l = mappings.GetRelationContainer(parent, r);
376 ························l.Add(child);
377 ····················}
378 ················}
379 ················else
380 ················{
381 ····················RemoveRelatedObject(parent, r.FieldName, child);
382 ····················if (r.Multiplicity == RelationMultiplicity.Element)
383 ····················{
384 ························mappings.SetRelationField(parent, r.FieldName, null);
385 ····················}
386 ····················else
387 ····················{
388 ························IList l = mappings.GetRelationContainer(parent, r);
389 ························try
390 ························{
391 ····························ObjectListManipulator.Remove(l, child);
392 ························}
393 ························catch
394 ························{
395 ····························throw new NDOException(50, "Error while merging a ChangeSetContainer: Child " + child.NDOObjectId.ToString() + " doesn't exist in relation " + parent.GetType().FullName + '.' + r.FieldName);
396 ························}
397 ····················}
398 ················}
399 ············}
401 ········}
402 ········#endregion
404 ········#region Implementation of IPersistenceManager
406 ········// Complete documentation can be found in IPersistenceManager
409 ········void WriteDependentForeignKeysToRow(IPersistenceCapable pc, Class cl, DataRow row)
410 ········{
411 ············if (!cl.Oid.IsDependent)
412 ················return;
413 ············WriteForeignKeysToRow(pc, row);
414 ········}
416 ········void InternalMakePersistent(IPersistenceCapable pc, bool checkRelations)
417 ········{
418 ············// Object is now under control of the state manager
419 ············pc.NDOStateManager = sm;
421 ············Type pcType = pc.GetType();
422 ············Class pcClass = GetClass(pc);
424 ············// Create new object
425 ············DataTable dt = GetTable(pcType);
426 ············DataRow row = dt.NewRow();·· // In case of autoincremented oid, the row has a temporary oid value
428 ············// In case of a Guid oid the value will be computed now.
429 ············foreach (OidColumn oidColumn in pcClass.Oid.OidColumns)
430 ············{
431 ················if (oidColumn.SystemType == typeof(Guid) && oidColumn.FieldName == null && oidColumn.RelationName ==null)
432 ················{
433 ····················if (dt.Columns[oidColumn.Name].DataType == typeof(string))
434 ························row[oidColumn.Name] = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
435 ····················else
436 ························row[oidColumn.Name] = Guid.NewGuid();
437 ················}
438 ············}
440 ············WriteObject(pc, row, pcClass.ColumnNames, 0); // save current state in DS
442 ············// If the object is merged from an ObjectContainer, the id should be reused,
443 ············// if the id is client generated (not Autoincremented).
444 ············// In every other case, the oid is set to null, to force generating a new oid.
445 ············bool fireIdGeneration = (Object)pc.NDOObjectId == null;
446 ············if ((object)pc.NDOObjectId != null)
447 ············{
448 ················bool hasAutoincrement = false;
449 ················foreach (OidColumn oidColumn in pcClass.Oid.OidColumns)
450 ················{
451 ····················if (oidColumn.AutoIncremented)
452 ····················{
453 ························hasAutoincrement = true;
454 ························break;
455 ····················}
456 ················}
457 ················if (hasAutoincrement) // can't store existing id
458 ················{
459 ····················pc.NDOObjectId = null;
460 ····················fireIdGeneration = true;
461 ················}
462 ············}
464 ············// In case of a dependent class the oid has to be read from the fields according to the relations
465 ············WriteDependentForeignKeysToRow(pc, pcClass, row);
467 ············if ((object)pc.NDOObjectId == null)
468 ············{
469 ················pc.NDOObjectId = ObjectIdFactory.NewObjectId(pcType, pcClass, row, this.typeManager);
470 ············}
472 ············if (!pcClass.Oid.IsDependent) // Dependent keys can't be filled with user defined data
473 ············{
474 ················if (fireIdGeneration)
475 ····················FireIdGenerationEvent(pcType, pc.NDOObjectId);
476 ················// At this place the oid might have been
477 ················// - deserialized (MergeObjectContainer)
478 ················// - created using NewObjectId
479 ················// - defined by the IdGenerationEvent
481 ················// At this point we have a valid oid.
482 ················// If the object has a field mapped to the oid we have
483 ················// to write back the oid to the field
484 ················int i = 0;
485 ················new OidColumnIterator(pcClass).Iterate(delegate(OidColumn oidColumn, bool isLastElement)
486 ················{
487 ····················if (oidColumn.FieldName != null)
488 ····················{
489 ························FieldInfo fi = new BaseClassReflector(pcType).GetField(oidColumn.FieldName, BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
490 ························fi.SetValue(pc, pc.NDOObjectId.Id[i]);
491 ····················}
492 ····················i++;
493 ················});
497 ················// Now write back the data into the row
498 ················pc.NDOObjectId.Id.ToRow(pcClass, row);
499 ············}
501 ············
502 ············ReadLostForeignKeysFromRow(pcClass, pc, row);··// they contain all DBNull at the moment
503 ············dt.Rows.Add(row);
505 ············cache.Register(pc);
507 ············// new object that has never been written to the DS
508 ············pc.NDOObjectState = NDOObjectState.Created;
509 ············// Mark all Relations as loaded
510 ············SetRelationState(pc);
512 ············if (checkRelations)
513 ············{
514 ················// Handle related objects:
515 ················foreach(Relation r in pcClass.Relations)
516 ················{
517 ····················if (r.Multiplicity == RelationMultiplicity.Element)
518 ····················{
519 ························IPersistenceCapable child = (IPersistenceCapable) mappings.GetRelationField(pc, r.FieldName);
520 ························if(child != null)
521 ························{
522 ····························AddRelatedObject(pc, r, child);
523 ························}
524 ····················}
525 ····················else
526 ····················{
527 ························IList list = mappings.GetRelationContainer(pc, r);
528 ························if(list != null)
529 ························{
530 ····························foreach(IPersistenceCapable relObj in list)
531 ····························{
532 ································if (relObj != null)
533 ····································AddRelatedObject(pc, r, relObj);
534 ····························}
535 ························}
536 ····················}
537 ················}
538 ············}
540 ············var relations··= CollectRelationStates(pc);
541 ············cache.Lock(pc, row, relations);
542 ········}
545 ········/// <summary>
546 ········/// Make an object persistent.
547 ········/// </summary>
548 ········/// <param name="o">the transient object that should be made persistent</param>
549 ········public void MakePersistent(object o)
550 ········{
551 ············IPersistenceCapable pc = CheckPc(o);
553 ············//Debug.WriteLine("MakePersistent: " + pc.GetType().Name);
554 ············//Debug.Indent();
556 ············if (pc.NDOObjectState != NDOObjectState.Transient)
557 ················throw new NDOException(54, "MakePersistent: Object is already persistent: " + pc.NDOObjectId.Dump());
559 ············InternalMakePersistent(pc, true);
561 ········}
565 ········//········/// <summary>
566 ········//········/// Checks, if an object has a valid id, which was created by the database
567 ········//········/// </summary>
568 ········//········/// <param name="pc"></param>
569 ········//········/// <returns></returns>
570 ········//········private bool HasValidId(IPersistenceCapable pc)
571 ········//········{
572 ········//············if (this.IdGenerationEvent != null)
573 ········//················return true;
574 ········//············return (pc.NDOObjectState != NDOObjectState.Created && pc.NDOObjectState != NDOObjectState.Transient);
575 ········//········}
578 ········private void CreateAddedObjectRow(IPersistenceCapable pc, Relation r, IPersistenceCapable relObj, bool makeRelObjPersistent)
579 ········{
580 ············// for a "1:n"-Relation w/o mapping table, we add the foreign key here.
581 ············if(r.HasSubclasses)
582 ············{
583 ················// we don't support 1:n with foreign fields in subclasses because we would have to
584 ················// search for objects in all subclasses! Instead use a mapping table.
585 ················// throw new NDOException(55, "1:n Relations with subclasses must use a mapping table: " + r.FieldName);
586 ················Debug.WriteLine("CreateAddedObjectRow: Polymorphic 1:n-relation " + r.Parent.FullName + "." + r.FieldName + " w/o mapping table");
587 ············}
589 ············if (!makeRelObjPersistent)
590 ················MarkDirty(relObj);
591 ············// Because we just marked the object as dirty, we know it's in the cache, so we don't supply the idColumn
592 ············DataRow relObjRow = this.cache.GetDataRow(relObj);
594 ············if (relObjRow == null)
595 ················throw new InternalException(537, "CreateAddedObjectRow: relObjRow == null");
597 ············pc.NDOObjectId.Id.ToForeignKey(r, relObjRow);
599 ············if (relObj.NDOLoadState.LostRowInfo == null)
600 ············{
601 ················ReadLostForeignKeysFromRow(GetClass(relObj), relObj, relObjRow);
602 ············}
603 ············else
604 ············{
605 ················relObj.NDOLoadState.ReplaceRowInfos(r, pc.NDOObjectId.Id);
606 ············}
607 ········}
609 ········private void PatchForeignRelation(IPersistenceCapable pc, Relation r, IPersistenceCapable relObj)
610 ········{
611 ············switch(relObj.NDOObjectState)
612 ············{
613 ················case NDOObjectState.Persistent:
614 ····················MarkDirty(relObj);
615 ····················break;
616 ················case NDOObjectState.Hollow:
617 ····················LoadData(relObj);
618 ····················MarkDirty(relObj);
619 ····················break;
620 ············}
622 ············if(r.ForeignRelation.Multiplicity == RelationMultiplicity.Element)
623 ············{
624 ················IPersistenceCapable newpc;
625 ················if((newpc = (IPersistenceCapable) mappings.GetRelationField(relObj, r.ForeignRelation.FieldName)) != null)
626 ················{
627 ····················if (newpc != pc)
628 ························throw new NDOException(56, "Object is already part of another relation: " + relObj.NDOObjectId.Dump());
629 ················}
630 ················else
631 ················{
632 ····················mappings.SetRelationField(relObj, r.ForeignRelation.FieldName, pc);
633 ················}
634 ············}
635 ············else
636 ············{
637 ················if (!relObj.NDOGetLoadState(r.ForeignRelation.Ordinal))
638 ····················LoadRelation(relObj, r.ForeignRelation, true);
639 ················IList l = mappings.GetRelationContainer(relObj, r.ForeignRelation);
640 ················if(l == null)
641 ················{
642 ····················try
643 ····················{
644 ························l = mappings.CreateRelationContainer(relObj, r.ForeignRelation);
645 ····················}
646 ····················catch
647 ····················{
648 ························throw new NDOException(57, "Can't construct IList member " + relObj.GetType().FullName + "." + r.FieldName + ". Initialize the field in the default class constructor.");
649 ····················}
650 ····················mappings.SetRelationContainer(relObj, r.ForeignRelation, l);
651 ················}
652 ················// Hack: Es sollte erst gar nicht zu diesem Aufruf kommen.
653 ················// Zus�tzlicher Funktions-Parameter addObjectToList oder so.
654 ················if (!ObjectListManipulator.Contains(l, pc))
655 ····················l.Add(pc);
656 ············}
657 ············//AddRelatedObject(relObj, r.ForeignRelation, pc);
658 ········}
661 ········/// <summary>
662 ········/// Add a related object to the specified object.
663 ········/// </summary>
664 ········/// <param name="pc">the parent object</param>
665 ········/// <param name="fieldName">the field name of the relation</param>
666 ········/// <param name="relObj">the related object that should be added</param>
667 ········internal virtual void AddRelatedObject(IPersistenceCapable pc, string fieldName, IPersistenceCapable relObj)
668 ········{
669 ············Debug.Assert(pc.NDOObjectState != NDOObjectState.Transient);
670 ············Relation r = mappings.FindRelation(pc, fieldName);
671 ············AddRelatedObject(pc, r, relObj);
672 ········}
674 ········/// <summary>
675 ········/// Core functionality to add an object to a relation container or relation field.
676 ········/// </summary>
677 ········/// <param name="pc"></param>
678 ········/// <param name="r"></param>
679 ········/// <param name="relObj"></param>
680 ········/// <param name="isMerging"></param>
681 ········protected virtual void InternalAddRelatedObject(IPersistenceCapable pc, Relation r, IPersistenceCapable relObj, bool isMerging)
682 ········{
683 ············
684 ············// avoid recursion
685 ············if (!addLock.GetLock(relObj))
686 ················return;
688 ············try
689 ············{
690 ················//TODO: We need a relation management, which is independent of
691 ················//the state management of an object. Currently the relation
692 ················//lists or elements are cached for restore, if an object is marked dirty.
693 ················//Thus we have to mark dirty our parent object in any case at the moment.
694 ················MarkDirty(pc);
696 ················//We should mark pc as dirty if we have a 1:1 w/o mapping table
697 ················//We should mark relObj as dirty if we have a 1:n w/o mapping table
698 ················//The latter happens in CreateAddedObjectRow
700 ················Class relClass = GetClass(relObj);
702 ················if (r.Multiplicity == RelationMultiplicity.Element
703 ····················&& r.HasSubclasses
704 ····················&& r.MappingTable == null················
705 ····················&& !this.HasOwnerCreatedIds
706 ····················&& GetClass(pc).Oid.HasAutoincrementedColumn
707 ····················&& !relClass.HasGuidOid)
708 ················{
709 ····················if (pc.NDOObjectState == NDOObjectState.Created && (relObj.NDOObjectState == NDOObjectState.Created || relObj.NDOObjectState == NDOObjectState.Transient ))
710 ························throw new NDOException(61, "Can't assign object of type " + relObj + " to relation " + pc.GetType().FullName + "." + r.FieldName + ". The parent object must be saved first to obtain the Id (for example with pm.Save(true)). As an alternative you can use client generated Id's or a mapping table.");
711 ····················if (r.Composition)
712 ························throw new NDOException(62, "Can't assign object of type " + relObj + " to relation " + pc.GetType().FullName + "." + r.FieldName + ". Can't handle a polymorphic composite relation with cardinality 1 with autonumbered id's. Use a mapping table or client generated id's.");
713 ····················if (relObj.NDOObjectState == NDOObjectState.Created || relObj.NDOObjectState == NDOObjectState.Transient)
714 ························throw new NDOException(63, "Can't assign an object of type " + relObj + " to relation " + pc.GetType().FullName + "." + r.FieldName + ". The child object must be saved first to obtain the Id (for example with pm.Save(true)). As an alternative you can use client generated Id's or a mapping table." );
715 ················}
717 ················bool isDependent = relClass.Oid.IsDependent;
719 ················if (r.Multiplicity == RelationMultiplicity.Element && isDependent)
720 ····················throw new NDOException(28, "Relations to intermediate classes must have RelationMultiplicity.List.");
722 ················// Need to patch pc into the relation relObj->pc, because
723 ················// the oid is built on base of this information
724 ················if (isDependent)
725 ················{
726 ····················CheckDependentKeyPreconditions(pc, r, relObj, relClass);
727 ················}
729 ················if (r.Composition || isDependent)
730 ················{
731 ····················if (!isMerging || relObj.NDOObjectState == NDOObjectState.Transient)
732 ························MakePersistent(relObj);
733 ················}
735 ················if(r.MappingTable == null)
736 ················{
737 ····················if (r.Bidirectional)
738 ····················{
739 ························// This object hasn't been saved yet, so the key is wrong.
740 ························// Therefore, the child must be written twice to update the foreign key.
741 #if trace
742 ························System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
743 ························if (r.Multiplicity == RelationMultiplicity.Element)
744 ····························sb.Append("1");
745 ························else
746 ····························sb.Append("n");
747 ························sb.Append(":");
748 ························if (r.ForeignRelation.Multiplicity == RelationMultiplicity.Element)
749 ····························sb.Append("1");
750 ························else
751 ····························sb.Append("n");
752 ························sb.Append ("OwnCreatedOther");
753 ························sb.Append(relObj.NDOObjectState.ToString());
754 ························sb.Append(' ');
756 ························sb.Append(types[0].ToString());
757 ························sb.Append(' ');
758 ························sb.Append(types[1].ToString());
759 ························Debug.WriteLine(sb.ToString());
760 #endif
761 ························//························if (r.Multiplicity == RelationMultiplicity.Element
762 ························//····························&& r.ForeignRelation.Multiplicity == RelationMultiplicity.Element)
763 ························//························{
764 ························// Element means:
765 ························// pc is keyholder
766 ························// -> relObj is saved first
767 ························// -> UpdateOrder(pc) > UpdateOrder(relObj)
768 ························// Both are Created - use type sort order
769 ························if (pc.NDOObjectState == NDOObjectState.Created && (relObj.NDOObjectState == NDOObjectState.Created || relObj.NDOObjectState == NDOObjectState.Transient)
770 ····························&& GetClass(pc).Oid.HasAutoincrementedColumn && GetClass(relObj).Oid.HasAutoincrementedColumn)
771 ························{
772 ····························if (mappings.GetUpdateOrder(pc.GetType())
773 ································< mappings.GetUpdateOrder(relObj.GetType()))
774 ································createdDirectObjects.Add(pc);
775 ····························else
776 ································createdDirectObjects.Add( relObj );
777 ························}
778 ····················}
779 ····················if (r.Multiplicity == RelationMultiplicity.List)
780 ····················{
781 ························CreateAddedObjectRow(pc, r, relObj, r.Composition);
782 ····················}
783 ················}
784 ················else
785 ················{
786 ····················createdMappingTableObjects.Add(new MappingTableEntry(pc, relObj, r));
787 ················}
788 ················if(r.Bidirectional)
789 ················{
790 ····················if (r.Multiplicity == RelationMultiplicity.List && mappings.GetRelationField(relObj, r.ForeignRelation.FieldName) == null)
791 ····················{
792 ························if ( r.ForeignRelation.Multiplicity == RelationMultiplicity.Element )
793 ····························mappings.SetRelationField(relObj, r.ForeignRelation.FieldName, pc);
794 ····················}
795 ····················else if ( !addLock.IsLocked( pc ) )
796 ····················{
797 ························PatchForeignRelation( pc, r, relObj );
798 ····················}
799 ················}
801 ················this.relationChanges.Add( new RelationChangeRecord( pc, relObj, r.FieldName, true ) );
802 ············}
803 ············finally
804 ············{
805 ················addLock.Unlock(relObj);
806 ················//Debug.Unindent();
807 ············}
808 ········}
810 ········/// <summary>
811 ········/// Returns an integer value which determines the rank of the given type in the update order list.
812 ········/// </summary>
813 ········/// <param name="t">The type to determine the update order.</param>
814 ········/// <returns>An integer value determining the rank of the given type in the update order list.</returns>
815 ········/// <remarks>
816 ········/// This method is used by NDO for diagnostic purposes. There is no value in using this method in user code.
817 ········/// </remarks>
818 ········public int GetUpdateRank(Type t)
819 ········{
820 ············return mappings.GetUpdateOrder(t);
821 ········}
823 ········/// <summary>
824 ········/// Add a related object to the specified object.
825 ········/// </summary>
826 ········/// <param name="pc">the parent object</param>
827 ········/// <param name="r">the relation mapping info</param>
828 ········/// <param name="relObj">the related object that should be added</param>
829 ········protected virtual void AddRelatedObject(IPersistenceCapable pc, Relation r, IPersistenceCapable relObj)
830 ········{
831 ············//············string idstr;
832 ············//············if (relObj.NDOObjectId == null)
833 ············//················idstr = relObj.GetType().ToString();
834 ············//············else
835 ············//················idstr = relObj.NDOObjectId.Dump();
836 ············//Debug.WriteLine("AddRelatedObject " + pc.NDOObjectId.Dump() + " " + idstr);
837 ············//Debug.Indent();
839 ············Class relClass = GetClass(relObj);
840 ············bool isDependent = relClass.Oid.IsDependent;
842 ············// Do some checks to guarantee that the assignment is correct
843 ············if(r.Composition)
844 ············{
845 ················if(relObj.NDOObjectState != NDOObjectState.Transient)
846 ················{
847 ····················throw new NDOException(58, "Can only add transient objects in Composite relation " + pc.GetType().FullName + "->" + r.ReferencedTypeName + ".");
848 ················}
849 ············}
850 ············else
851 ············{
852 ················if(relObj.NDOObjectState == NDOObjectState.Transient && !isDependent)
853 ················{
854 ····················throw new NDOException(59, "Can only add persistent objects in Assoziation " + pc.GetType().FullName + "->" + r.ReferencedTypeName + ".");
855 ················}
856 ············}
858 ············if(!r.ReferencedType.IsAssignableFrom(relObj.GetType()))
859 ············{
860 ················throw new NDOException(60, "AddRelatedObject: Related object must be assignable to type: " + r.ReferencedTypeName + ". Assigned object was: " + relObj.NDOObjectId.Dump() + " Type = " + relObj.GetType());
861 ············}
863 ············InternalAddRelatedObject(pc, r, relObj, false);
865 ········}
867 ········private void CheckDependentKeyPreconditions(IPersistenceCapable pc, Relation r, IPersistenceCapable relObj, Class relClass)
868 ········{
869 ············// Need to patch pc into the relation relObj->pc, because
870 ············// the oid is built on base of this information
871 ············// The second relation has to be set before adding relObj
872 ············// to the relation list.
873 ············PatchForeignRelation(pc, r, relObj);
874 ············IPersistenceCapable parent;
875 ············foreach (Relation oidRelation in relClass.Oid.Relations)
876 ············{
877 ················parent = (IPersistenceCapable)mappings.GetRelationField(relObj, oidRelation.FieldName);
878 ················if (parent == null)
879 ····················throw new NDOException(41, "'" + relClass.FullName + "." + oidRelation.FieldName + "': One of the defining relations of a dependent class object is null - have a look at the documentation about how to initialize dependent class objects.");
880 ················if (parent.NDOObjectState == NDOObjectState.Transient)
881 ····················throw new NDOException(59, "Can only add persistent objects in Assoziation " + relClass.FullName + "." + oidRelation.FieldName + ". Make the object of type " + parent.GetType().FullName + " persistent.");
883 ············}
884 ········}
887 ········/// <summary>
888 ········/// Remove a related object from the specified object.
889 ········/// </summary>
890 ········/// <param name="pc">the parent object</param>
891 ········/// <param name="fieldName">Field name of the relation</param>
892 ········/// <param name="relObj">the related object that should be removed</param>
893 ········internal virtual void RemoveRelatedObject(IPersistenceCapable pc, string fieldName, IPersistenceCapable relObj)
894 ········{
895 ············Debug.Assert(pc.NDOObjectState != NDOObjectState.Transient);
896 ············Relation r = mappings.FindRelation(pc, fieldName);
897 ············InternalRemoveRelatedObject(pc, r, relObj, true);
898 ········}
900 ········/// <summary>
901 ········/// Registers a listener which will be notified, if a new connection is opened.
902 ········/// </summary>
903 ········/// <param name="listener">Delegate of a listener function</param>
904 ········/// <remarks>The listener is called the first time a certain connection is used. A call to Save() resets the connection list so that the listener is called again.</remarks>
905 ········public virtual void RegisterConnectionListener(OpenConnectionListener listener)
906 ········{
907 ············this.openConnectionListener = listener;
908 ········}
910 ········internal string OnNewConnection(NDO.Mapping.Connection conn)
911 ········{
912 ············if (openConnectionListener != null)
913 ················return openConnectionListener(conn);
914 ············return conn.Name;
915 ········}
918 ········/*
919 ········doCommit should be:
920 ········
921 ····················Query····Save····Save(true)
922 ········Optimistic····1········1········0
923 ········Pessimistic····0········1········0
924 ············
925 ········Deferred Mode············
926 ····················Query····Save····Save(true)
927 ········Optimistic····0········1········0
928 ········Pessimistic····0········1········0
929 ········ */
931 ········internal void CheckEndTransaction(bool doCommit)
932 ········{
933 ············if (doCommit)
934 ············{
935 ················TransactionScope.Complete();
936 ············}
937 ········}
939 ········internal void CheckTransaction(IPersistenceHandlerBase handler, Type t)
940 ········{
941 ············CheckTransaction(handler, this.GetClass(t).Connection);
942 ········}
944 ········/// <summary>
945 ········/// Each and every database operation has to be preceded by a call to this function.
946 ········/// </summary>
947 ········internal void CheckTransaction( IPersistenceHandlerBase handler, Connection ndoConn )
948 ········{
949 ············TransactionScope.CheckTransaction();
950 ············
951 ············if (handler.Connection == null)
952 ············{
953 ················handler.Connection = TransactionScope.GetConnection(ndoConn.ID, () =>
954 ················{
955 ····················IProvider p = ndoConn.Parent.GetProvider( ndoConn );
956 ····················string connStr = this.OnNewConnection( ndoConn );
957 ····················var connection = p.NewConnection( connStr );
958 ····················if (connection == null)
959 ························throw new NDOException( 119, $"Can't construct connection for {connStr}. The provider returns null." );
960 ····················LogIfVerbose( $"Creating a connection object for {ndoConn.DisplayName}" );
961 ····················return connection;
962 ················} );
963 ············}
965 ············if (TransactionMode != TransactionMode.None)
966 ············{
967 ················handler.Transaction = TransactionScope.GetTransaction( ndoConn.ID );
968 ············}
970 ············// During the tests, we work with a handler mock that always returns zero for the Connection property.
971 ············if (handler.Connection != null && handler.Connection.State != ConnectionState.Open)
972 ············{
973 ················handler.Connection.Open();
974 ················LogIfVerbose( $"Opening connection {ndoConn.DisplayName}" );
975 ············}
976 ········}
978 ········/// <summary>
979 ········/// Event Handler for the ConcurrencyError event of the IPersistenceHandler.
980 ········/// We try to tell the object which caused the concurrency exception, that a collicion occured.
981 ········/// This is possible if there is a listener for the CollisionEvent.
982 ········/// Else we throw an exception.
983 ········/// </summary>
984 ········/// <param name="ex">Concurrency Exception which was catched during update.</param>
985 ········private void OnConcurrencyError(System.Data.DBConcurrencyException ex)
986 ········{
987 ············DataRow row = ex.Row;
988 ············if (row == null || CollisionEvent == null || CollisionEvent.GetInvocationList().Length == 0)
989 ················throw(ex);
990 ············if (row.RowState == DataRowState.Detached)
991 ················return;
992 ············foreach (Cache.Entry e in cache.LockedObjects)
993 ············{
994 ················if (e.row == row)
995 ················{
996 ····················CollisionEvent(e.pc);
997 ····················return;
998 ················}
999 ············}
1000 ············throw ex;
1001 ········}
1004 ········private void ReadObject(IPersistenceCapable pc, DataRow row, string[] fieldNames, int startIndex)
1005 ········{
1006 ············Class cl = GetClass(pc);
1007 ············string[] etypes = cl.EmbeddedTypes.ToArray();
1008 ············Dictionary<string,MemberInfo> persistentFields = null;
1009 ············if (etypes.Length > 0)
1010 ············{
1011 ················FieldMap fm = new FieldMap(cl);
1012 ················persistentFields = fm.PersistentFields;
1013 ············}
1014 ············foreach(string s in etypes)
1015 ············{
1016 ················try
1017 ················{
1018 ····················NDO.Mapping.Field f = cl.FindField(s);
1019 ····················if (f == null)
1020 ························continue;
1021 ····················object o = row[f.Column.Name];
1022 ····················string[] arr = s.Split('.');
1023 ····················// Suche Embedded Type-Feld mit Namen arr[0]
1024 ····················BaseClassReflector bcr = new BaseClassReflector(pc.GetType());
1025 ····················FieldInfo parentFi = bcr.GetField(arr[0], BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
1026 ····················// Hole das Embedded Object
1027 ····················object parentOb = parentFi.GetValue(pc);
1029 ····················if (parentOb == null)
1030 ························throw new Exception(String.Format("Can't read subfield {0} of type {1}, because the field {2} is null. Initialize the field {2} in your default constructor.", s, pc.GetType().FullName, arr[0]));
1032 ····················// Suche darin das Feld mit Namen Arr[1]
1034 ····················FieldInfo childFi = parentFi.FieldType.GetField(arr[1], BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
1035 ····················Type childType = childFi.FieldType;
1037 ····················// Don't initialize value types, if DBNull is stored in the field.
1038 ····················// Exception: DateTime and Guid.
1039 ····················if (o == DBNull.Value && childType.IsValueType
1040 ························&& childType != typeof(Guid)
1041 ························&& childType != typeof(DateTime))
1042 ························continue;
1044 ····················if (childType == typeof(DateTime))
1045 ····················{
1046 ························if (o == DBNull.Value)
1047 ····························o = DateTime.MinValue;
1048 ····················}
1049 ····················if (childType.IsClass)
1050 ····················{
1051 ························if (o == DBNull.Value)
1052 ····························o = null;
1053 ····················}
1055 ····················if (childType == typeof (Guid))
1056 ····················{
1057 ························if (o == DBNull.Value)
1058 ····························o = Guid.Empty;
1059 ························if (o is string)
1060 ························{
1061 ····························childFi.SetValue(parentOb, new Guid((string)o));
1062 ························}
1063 ························else if (o is Guid)
1064 ························{
1065 ····························childFi.SetValue(parentOb, o);
1066 ························}
1067 ························else if (o is byte[])
1068 ························{
1069 ····························childFi.SetValue(parentOb, new Guid((byte[])o));
1070 ························}
1071 ························else
1072 ····························throw new Exception(string.Format("Can't convert Guid field to column type {0}.", o.GetType().FullName));
1073 ····················}
1074 ····················else if (childType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(System.Enum)))
1075 ····················{
1076 ························object childOb = childFi.GetValue(parentOb);
1077 ························FieldInfo valueFi = childType.GetField("value__");
1078 ························valueFi.SetValue(childOb, o);
1079 ························childFi.SetValue(parentOb, childOb);
1080 ····················}
1081 ····················else
1082 ····················{
1083 ························childFi.SetValue(parentOb, o);
1084 ····················}
1085 ················}
1086 ················catch (Exception ex)
1087 ················{
1088 ····················string msg = "Error while writing the embedded object {0} of an object of type {1}. Check your mapping file.\n{2}";
1090 ····················throw new NDOException(68, string.Format(msg, s, pc.GetType().FullName, ex.Message));
1091 ················}
1093 ············}
1094 ············
1095 ············try
1096 ············{
1097 ················if (cl.HasEncryptedFields)
1098 ················{
1099 ····················foreach (var field in cl.Fields.Where( f => f.Encrypted ))
1100 ····················{
1101 ························string name = field.Column.Name;
1102 ························string s = (string) row[name];
1103 ························string es = AesHelper.Decrypt( s, EncryptionKey );
1104 ························row[name] = es;
1105 ····················}
1106 ················}
1107 ················pc.NDORead(row, fieldNames, startIndex);
1108 ············}
1109 ············catch (Exception ex)
1110 ············{
1111 ················throw new NDOException(69, "Error while writing to a field of an object of type " + pc.GetType().FullName + ". Check your mapping file.\n"
1112 ····················+ ex.Message);
1113 ············}
1114 ········}
1116 ········/// <summary>
1117 ········/// Executes a sql script to generate the database tables.
1118 ········/// The function will execute any sql statements in the script
1119 ········/// which are valid according to the
1120 ········/// rules of the underlying database. Result sets are ignored.
1121 ········/// </summary>
1122 ········/// <param name="scriptFile">The script file to execute.</param>
1123 ········/// <param name="conn">A connection object, containing the connection
1124 ········/// string to the database, which should be altered.</param>
1125 ········/// <returns>A string array with error messages or the string "OK" for each of the statements in the file.</returns>
1126 ········/// <remarks>
1127 ········/// If the Connection object is invalid or null, a NDOException with ErrorNumber 44 will be thrown.
1128 ········/// Any exceptions thrown while executing a statement in the script, will be caught.
1129 ········/// Their message property will appear in the result array.
1130 ········/// If the script doesn't exist, a NDOException with ErrorNumber 48 will be thrown.
1131 ········/// </remarks>
1132 ········public string[] BuildDatabase( string scriptFile, Connection conn )
1133 ········{
1134 ············return BuildDatabase( scriptFile, conn, Encoding.UTF8 );
1135 ········}
1137 ········/// <summary>
1138 ········/// Executes a sql script to generate the database tables.
1139 ········/// The function will execute any sql statements in the script
1140 ········/// which are valid according to the
1141 ········/// rules of the underlying database. Result sets are ignored.
1142 ········/// </summary>
1143 ········/// <param name="scriptFile">The script file to execute.</param>
1144 ········/// <param name="conn">A connection object, containing the connection
1145 ········/// string to the database, which should be altered.</param>
1146 ········/// <param name="encoding">The encoding of the script file. Default is UTF8.</param>
1147 ········/// <returns>A string array with error messages or the string "OK" for each of the statements in the file.</returns>
1148 ········/// <remarks>
1149 ········/// If the Connection object is invalid or null, a NDOException with ErrorNumber 44 will be thrown.
1150 ········/// Any exceptions thrown while executing a statement in the script, will be caught.
1151 ········/// Their message property will appear in the result array.
1152 ········/// If the script doesn't exist, a NDOException with ErrorNumber 48 will be thrown.
1153 ········/// </remarks>
1154 ········public string[] BuildDatabase(string scriptFile, Connection conn, Encoding encoding)
1155 ········{
1156 ············StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(scriptFile, encoding);
1157 ············string s = sr.ReadToEnd();
1158 ············sr.Close();
1159 ············string[] arr = s.Split(';');
1160 ············string last = arr[arr.Length - 1];
1161 ············bool lastInvalid = (last == null || last.Trim() == string.Empty);
1162 ············string[] result = new string[arr.Length - (lastInvalid ? 1 : 0)];
1163 ············using (var handler = GetSqlPassThroughHandler())
1164 ············{
1165 ················int i = 0;
1166 ················string ok = "OK";
1167 ················foreach (string statement in arr)
1168 ················{
1169 ····················if (statement != null && statement.Trim() != string.Empty)
1170 ····················{
1171 ························try
1172 ························{
1173 ····························handler.Execute(statement);
1174 ····························result[i] = ok;
1175 ························}
1176 ························catch (Exception ex)
1177 ························{
1178 ····························result[i] = ex.Message;
1179 ························}
1180 ····················}
1181 ····················i++;
1182 ················}
1183 ················CheckEndTransaction(true);
1184 ············}
1185 ············return result;
1186 ········}
1188 ········/// <summary>
1189 ········/// Executes a sql script to generate the database tables.
1190 ········/// The function will execute any sql statements in the script
1191 ········/// which are valid according to the
1192 ········/// rules of the underlying database. Result sets are ignored.
1193 ········/// </summary>
1194 ········/// <param name="scriptFile">The script file to execute.</param>
1195 ········/// <returns></returns>
1196 ········/// <remarks>
1197 ········/// This function takes the first Connection object in the Connections list
1198 ········/// of the Mapping file und executes the script using that connection.
1199 ········/// If no default connection exists, a NDOException with ErrorNumber 44 will be thrown.
1200 ········/// Any exceptions thrown while executing a statement in the script, will be caught.
1201 ········/// Their message property will appear in the result array.
1202 ········/// If the script file doesn't exist, a NDOException with ErrorNumber 48 will be thrown.
1203 ········/// </remarks>
1204 ········public string[] BuildDatabase(string scriptFile)
1205 ········{
1206 ············if (!File.Exists(scriptFile))
1207 ················throw new NDOException(48, "Script file " + scriptFile + " doesn't exist.");
1208 ············if (!this.mappings.Connections.Any())
1209 ················throw new NDOException(48, "Mapping file doesn't define a connection.");
1210 ············Connection conn = new Connection( this.mappings );
1211 ············Connection originalConnection = (Connection)this.mappings.Connections.First();
1212 ············conn.Name = OnNewConnection( originalConnection );
1213 ············conn.Type = originalConnection.Type;
1214 ············//Connection conn = (Connection) this.mappings.Connections[0];
1215 ············return BuildDatabase(scriptFile, conn);
1216 ········}
1218 ········/// <summary>
1219 ········/// Executes a sql script to generate the database tables.
1220 ········/// The function will execute any sql statements in the script
1221 ········/// which are valid according to the
1222 ········/// rules of the underlying database. Result sets are ignored.
1223 ········/// </summary>
1224 ········/// <returns>
1225 ········/// A string array, containing the error messages produced by the statements
1226 ········/// contained in the script.
1227 ········/// </returns>
1228 ········/// <remarks>
1229 ········/// The sql script is assumed to be the executable name of the entry assembly with the
1230 ········/// extension .ndo.sql. Use BuildDatabase(string) to provide a path to a script.
1231 ········/// If the executable name can't be determined a NDOException with ErrorNumber 49 will be thrown.
1232 ········/// This function takes the first Connection object in the Connections list
1233 ········/// of the Mapping file und executes the script using that connection.
1234 ········/// If no default connection exists, a NDOException with ErrorNumber 44 will be thrown.
1235 ········/// Any exceptions thrown while executing a statement in the script, will be caught.
1236 ········/// Their message property will appear in the result array.
1237 ········/// If the script file doesn't exist, a NDOException with ErrorNumber 48 will be thrown.
1238 ········/// </remarks>
1239 ········public string[] BuildDatabase()
1240 ········{
1241 ············Assembly ass = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly();
1242 ············if (ass == null)
1243 ················throw new NDOException(49, "Can't determine the path of the entry assembly - please pass a sql script path as argument to BuildDatabase.");
1244 ············string file = Path.ChangeExtension(ass.Location, ".ndo.sql");
1245 ············return BuildDatabase(file);
1246 ········}
1248 ········/// <summary>
1249 ········/// Gets a SqlPassThroughHandler object which can be used to execute raw Sql statements.
1250 ········/// </summary>
1251 ········/// <param name="conn">Optional: The NDO-Connection to the database to be used.</param>
1252 ········/// <returns>An ISqlPassThroughHandler implementation</returns>
1253 ········public ISqlPassThroughHandler GetSqlPassThroughHandler( Connection conn = null )
1254 ········{
1255 ············if (!this.mappings.Connections.Any())
1256 ················throw new NDOException( 48, "Mapping file doesn't define a connection." );
1257 ············if (conn == null)
1258 ············{
1259 ················conn = new Connection( this.mappings );
1260 ················Connection originalConnection = (Connection) this.mappings.Connections.First();
1261 ················conn.Name = OnNewConnection( originalConnection );
1262 ················conn.Type = originalConnection.Type;
1263 ············}
1265 ············return new SqlPassThroughHandler( this, conn );
1266 ········}
1268 ········/// <summary>
1269 ········/// Gets a SqlPassThroughHandler object which can be used to execute raw Sql statements.
1270 ········/// </summary>
1271 ········/// <param name="predicate">A predicate defining which connection has to be used.</param>
1272 ········/// <returns>An ISqlPassThroughHandler implementation</returns>
1273 ········public ISqlPassThroughHandler GetSqlPassThroughHandler( Func<Connection, bool> predicate )
1274 ········{
1275 ············if (!this.mappings.Connections.Any())
1276 ················throw new NDOException( 48, "The Mapping file doesn't define a connection." );
1277 ············Connection conn = this.mappings.Connections.FirstOrDefault( predicate );
1278 ············if (conn == null)
1279 ················throw new NDOException( 48, "The Mapping file doesn't define a connection with this predicate." );
1280 ············return GetSqlPassThroughHandler( conn );
1281 ········}
1283 ········/// <summary>
1284 ········/// Executes a xml script to generate the database tables.
1285 ········/// The function will generate and execute sql statements to perform
1286 ········/// the changes described by the xml.
1287 ········/// </summary>
1288 ········/// <returns></returns>
1289 ········/// <remarks>
1290 ········/// The script file is the first file found with the search string [AssemblyNameWithoutExtension].ndodiff.[SchemaVersion].xml.
1291 ········/// If several files match the search string biggest file name in the default sort order will be executed.
1292 ········/// This function takes the first Connection object in the Connections list
1293 ········/// of the Mapping file und executes the script using that connection.
1294 ········/// If no default connection exists, a NDOException with ErrorNumber 44 will be thrown.
1295 ········/// Any exceptions thrown while executing a statement in the script, will be caught.
1296 ········/// Their message property will appear in the result string array.
1297 ········/// If no script file exists, a NDOException with ErrorNumber 48 will be thrown.
1298 ········/// Note that an additional command is executed, which will update the NDOSchemaVersion entry.
1299 ········/// </remarks>
1300 ········public string[] PerformSchemaTransitions()
1301 ········{
1302 ············Assembly ass = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly();
1303 ············if (ass == null)
1304 ················throw new NDOException(49, "Can't determine the path of the entry assembly - please pass a sql script path as argument to PerformSchemaTransitions.");
1305 ············string mask = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension( ass.Location ) + ".ndodiff.*.xml";
1306 ············List<string> fileNames = Directory.GetFiles( Path.GetDirectoryName( ass.Location ), mask ).ToList();
1307 ············if (fileNames.Count == 0)
1308 ················return new String[] { String.Format( "No xml script file with a name like {0} found.", mask ) };
1309 ············if (fileNames.Count > 1)
1310 ················fileNames.Sort( ( fn1, fn2 ) => CompareFileName( fn1, fn2 ) );
1311 ············return PerformSchemaTransitions( fileNames[0] );
1312 ········}
1315 ········/// <summary>
1316 ········/// Executes a xml script to generate the database tables.
1317 ········/// The function will generate and execute sql statements to perform
1318 ········/// the changes described by the xml.
1319 ········/// </summary>
1320 ········/// <param name="scriptFile">The script file to execute.</param>
1321 ········/// <returns></returns>
1322 ········/// <remarks>
1323 ········/// This function takes the first Connection object in the Connections list
1324 ········/// of the Mapping file und executes the script using that connection.
1325 ········/// If no default connection exists, a NDOException with ErrorNumber 44 will be thrown.
1326 ········/// Any exceptions thrown while executing a statement in the script, will be caught.
1327 ········/// Their message property will appear in the result string array.
1328 ········/// If the script file doesn't exist, a NDOException with ErrorNumber 48 will be thrown.
1329 ········/// Note that an additional command is executed, which will update the NDOSchemaVersion entry.
1330 ········/// </remarks>
1331 ········public string[] PerformSchemaTransitions(string scriptFile)
1332 ········{
1333 ············if (!File.Exists(scriptFile))
1334 ················throw new NDOException(48, "Script file " + scriptFile + " doesn't exist.");
1336 ············if (!this.mappings.Connections.Any())
1337 ················throw new NDOException(48, "Mapping file doesn't define any connection.");
1338 ············Connection conn = new Connection( mappings );
1339 ············Connection originalConnection = mappings.Connections.First();
1340 ············conn.Name = OnNewConnection( originalConnection );
1341 ············conn.Type = originalConnection.Type;
1342 ············return PerformSchemaTransitions(scriptFile, conn);
1343 ········}
1346 ········int CompareFileName( string fn1, string fn2)
1347 ········{
1348 ············Regex regex = new Regex( @"ndodiff\.(.+)\.xml" );
1349 ············Match match = regex.Match( fn1 );
1350 ············string v1 = match.Groups[1].Value;
1351 ············match = regex.Match( fn2 );
1352 ············string v2 = match.Groups[1].Value;
1353 ············return new Version( v2 ).CompareTo( new Version( v1 ) );
1354 ········}
1356 ········string GetSchemaVersion(Connection ndoConn, string schemaName)
1357 ········{
1358 ············IProvider provider = this.mappings.GetProvider( ndoConn );
1359 ············string version = "0.0";··// Initial value
1360 ············var connection = provider.NewConnection( ndoConn.Name );
1361 ············using (var handler = GetSqlPassThroughHandler())
1362 ············{
1363 ················string[] TableNames = provider.GetTableNames( connection );
1364 if ( TableNames. Any( t=>t=="NDOSchemaVersion") )
1365 ················{
1366 ····················string sql = "SELECT Version from NDOSchemaVersion WHERE SchemaName ";
1367 ····················if (schemaName == null)
1368 ························sql += "IS NULL;";
1369 ····················else
1370 ························sql += "LIKE '" + schemaName + "'";
1371 ····················using(IDataReader dr = handler.Execute(sql, true))
1372 ····················{
1373 ························if (dr.Read())
1374 ····························version = dr.GetString( 0 );
1375 ····················}
1376 ················}
1377 ················else
1378 ················{
1379 ····················SchemaTransitionGenerator schemaTransitionGenerator = new SchemaTransitionGenerator( NDOProviderFactory.Instance.Generators[ndoConn.Type], this.mappings );
1380 ····················string transition = @"<NdoSchemaTransition>
1381 ····<CreateTable name=""NDOSchemaVersion"">
1382 ······<CreateColumn name=""SchemaName"" type=""System.String,mscorlib"" allowNull=""True"" />
1383 ······<CreateColumn name=""Version"" type=""System.String,mscorlib"" size=""50"" />
1384 ····</CreateTable>
1385 </NdoSchemaTransition>";
1386 ····················XElement transitionElement = XElement.Parse(transition);
1388 ····················string sql = schemaTransitionGenerator.Generate( transitionElement );
1389 ····················handler.Execute(sql);
1390 sql = String. Format( "INSERT INTO NDOSchemaVersion( [SchemaName], [Version]) VALUES( { 0} , '0') ", schemaName == null ? "NULL" : provider. GetSqlLiteral( schemaName ) ) ;
1391 ····················handler.Execute( sql );
1392 ····················handler.CommitTransaction();
1393 ················}
1394 ············}
1396 ············return version;
1397 ········}
1399 ········/// <summary>
1400 ········/// Executes a xml script to generate the database tables.
1401 ········/// The function will generate and execute sql statements to perform
1402 ········/// the changes described by the xml.
1403 ········/// </summary>
1404 ········/// <param name="scriptFile">The xml script file.</param>
1405 ········/// <param name="ndoConn">The connection to be used to perform the schema changes.</param>
1406 ········/// <returns>A list of strings about the states of the different schema change commands.</returns>
1407 ········/// <remarks>Note that an additional command is executed, which will update the NDOSchemaVersion entry.</remarks>
1408 ········public string[] PerformSchemaTransitions(string scriptFile, Connection ndoConn)
1409 ········{
1410 ············string schemaName = null;
1411 ············// Gespeicherte Version ermitteln.
1412 ············XElement transitionElements = XElement.Load( scriptFile );
1413 ············if (transitionElements.Attribute( "schemaName" ) != null)
1414 ················schemaName = transitionElements.Attribute( "schemaName" ).Value;
1415 ············Version version = new Version( GetSchemaVersion( ndoConn, schemaName ) );
1416 ············SchemaTransitionGenerator schemaTransitionGenerator = new SchemaTransitionGenerator( NDOProviderFactory.Instance.Generators[ndoConn.Type], this.mappings );
1417 ············MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
1418 ············StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(ms, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
1419 ············bool hasChanges = false;
1421 ············foreach (XElement transitionElement in transitionElements.Elements("NdoSchemaTransition").Where(e=>new Version(e.Attribute("schemaVersion").Value).CompareTo(version) > 0))
1422 ············{
1423 ················hasChanges = true;
1424 ················sw.Write( schemaTransitionGenerator.Generate( transitionElement ) );
1425 ············}
1427 ············if (!hasChanges)
1428 ················return new string[] { };
1430 ············sw.Write( "UPDATE NDOSchemaVersion SET Version = '" );
1431 ············sw.Write( transitionElements.Attribute( "schemaVersion" ).Value );
1432 ············sw.Write( "' WHERE SchemaName " );
1433 ············if (schemaName == null)
1434 ················sw.WriteLine( "IS NULL;" );
1435 ············else
1436 ················sw.WriteLine( "LIKE '" + schemaName + "'" );············
1438 ············sw.Flush();
1439 ············ms.Position = 0L;
1441 ············StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(ms, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
1442 ············string s = sr.ReadToEnd();
1443 ············sr.Close();
1445 ············return InternalPerformSchemaTransitions( ndoConn, s );
1446 ········}
1448 ········private string[] InternalPerformSchemaTransitions( Connection ndoConn, string sql )
1449 ········{
1450 ············string[] arr = sql.Split( ';' );
1451 ············string last = arr[arr.Length - 1];
1452 ············bool lastInvalid = (last == null || last.Trim() == string.Empty);
1453 ············string[] result = new string[arr.Length - (lastInvalid ? 1 : 0)];
1454 ············IProvider provider = this.mappings.GetProvider( ndoConn );
1455 ············//TransactionInfo ti = transactionTable[conn];
1456 ············//IDbConnection cn = ti.Connection;
1457 ············IDbConnection cn = provider.NewConnection( ndoConn.Name );
1458 ············cn.Open();
1459 ············IDbCommand cmd = provider.NewSqlCommand( cn );
1460 ············int i = 0;
1461 ············string ok = "OK";
1462 ············foreach (string statement in arr)
1463 ············{
1464 ················if (statement != null && statement.Trim() != string.Empty)
1465 ················{
1466 ····················try
1467 ····················{
1468 cmd. CommandText = statement;
1469 ························cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
1470 ························result[i] = ok;
1471 ····················}
1472 ····················catch (Exception ex)
1473 ····················{
1474 ························result[i] = ex.Message;
1475 ····················}
1476 ················}
1477 ················i++;
1478 ············}
1479 cn. Close( ) ;
1480 ············return result;
1481 ········}
1482 ········
1483 ········/// <summary>
1484 ········/// Transfers Data from the object to the DataRow
1485 ········/// </summary>
1486 ········/// <param name="pc"></param>
1487 ········/// <param name="row"></param>
1488 ········/// <param name="fieldNames"></param>
1489 ········/// <param name="startIndex"></param>
1490 ········protected virtual void WriteObject(IPersistenceCapable pc, DataRow row, string[] fieldNames, int startIndex)
1491 ········{
1492 ············Class cl = GetClass( pc );
1493 ············try
1494 ············{
1495 ················pc.NDOWrite(row, fieldNames, startIndex);
1496 ················if (cl.HasEncryptedFields)
1497 ················{
1498 ····················foreach (var field in cl.Fields.Where( f => f.Encrypted ))
1499 ····················{
1500 ························string name = field.Column.Name;
1501 ························string s = (string) row[name];
1502 ························string es = AesHelper.Encrypt( s, EncryptionKey );
1503 ························row[name] = es;
1504 ····················}
1505 ················}
1506 ············}
1507 ············catch (Exception ex)
1508 ············{
1509 ················throw new NDOException(70, "Error while reading a field of an object of type " + pc.GetType().FullName + ". Check your mapping file.\n"
1510 ····················+ ex.Message);
1511 ············}
1513 ············if (cl.TypeNameColumn != null)
1514 ············{
1515 ················Type t = pc.GetType();
1516 ················row[cl.TypeNameColumn.Name] = t.FullName + "," + t.Assembly.GetName().Name;
1517 ············}
1519 ············var etypes = cl.EmbeddedTypes;
1520 ············foreach(string s in etypes)
1521 ············{
1522 ················try
1523 ················{
1524 ····················NDO.Mapping.Field f = cl.FindField(s);
1525 ····················if (f == null)
1526 ························continue;
1527 ····················string[] arr = s.Split('.');
1528 ····················// Suche Feld mit Namen arr[0] als object
1529 ····················BaseClassReflector bcr = new BaseClassReflector(pc.GetType());
1530 ····················FieldInfo parentFi = bcr.GetField(arr[0], BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
1531 ····················Object parentOb = parentFi.GetValue(pc);
1532 ····················if (parentOb == null)
1533 ························throw new Exception(String.Format("The field {0} is null. Initialize the field in your default constructor.", arr[0]));
1534 ····················// Suche darin das Feld mit Namen Arr[1]
1535 ····················FieldInfo childFi = parentFi.FieldType.GetField(arr[1], BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
1536 ····················object o = childFi.GetValue(parentOb);
1537 ····················if (o == null
1538 ························|| o is DateTime && (DateTime) o == DateTime.MinValue
1539 ························|| o is Guid && (Guid) o == Guid.Empty)
1540 ························o = DBNull.Value;
1541 ····················row[f.Column.Name] = o;
1542 ················}
1543 ················catch (Exception ex)
1544 ················{
1545 ····················string msg = "Error while reading the embedded object {0} of an object of type {1}. Check your mapping file.\n{2}";
1547 ····················throw new NDOException(71, string.Format(msg, s, pc.GetType().FullName, ex.Message));
1548 ················}
1549 ············}
1550 ········}
1552 ········/// <summary>
1553 ········/// Check, if the specific field is loaded. If not, LoadData will be called.
1554 ········/// </summary>
1555 ········/// <param name="o">The parent object.</param>
1556 ········/// <param name="fieldOrdinal">A number to identify the field.</param>
1557 ········public virtual void LoadField(object o, int fieldOrdinal)
1558 ········{
1559 ············IPersistenceCapable pc = CheckPc(o);
1560 ············if (pc.NDOObjectState == NDOObjectState.Hollow)
1561 ············{
1562 ················LoadState ls = pc.NDOLoadState;
1563 ················if (ls.FieldLoadState != null)
1564 ················{
1565 ····················if (ls.FieldLoadState[fieldOrdinal])
1566 ························return;
1567 ················}
1568 ················else
1569 ················{
1570 ····················ls.FieldLoadState = new BitArray( GetClass( pc ).Fields.Count() );
1571 ················}
1572 ················LoadData(o);
1573 ········}
1574 ········}
1576 #pragma warning disable 419
1577 ········/// <summary>
1578 ········/// Load the data of a persistent object. This forces the transition of the object state from hollow to persistent.
1579 ········/// </summary>
1580 ········/// <param name="o">The hollow object.</param>
1581 ········/// <remarks>Note, that the relations won't be resolved with this function, with one Exception: 1:1 relations without mapping table will be resolved during LoadData. In all other cases, use <see cref="LoadRelation">LoadRelation</see>, to force resolving a relation.<seealso cref="NDOObjectState"/></remarks>
1582 #pragma warning restore 419
1583 ········public virtual void LoadData( object o )
1584 ········{
1585 ············IPersistenceCapable pc = CheckPc(o);
1586 ············Debug.Assert(pc.NDOObjectState == NDOObjectState.Hollow, "Can only load hollow objects");
1587 ············if (pc.NDOObjectState != NDOObjectState.Hollow)
1588 ················return;
1589 ············Class cl = GetClass(pc);
1590 ············IQuery q;
1591 ············q = CreateOidQuery(pc, cl);
1592 ············cache.UpdateCache(pc); // Make sure the object is in the cache
1594 ············var objects = q.Execute();
1595 ············var count = objects.Count;
1597 ············if (count > 1)
1598 ············{
1599 ················throw new NDOException( 72, "Load Data: " + count + " result objects with the same oid" );
1600 ············}
1601 ············else if (count == 0)
1602 ············{
1603 ················if (ObjectNotPresentEvent == null || !ObjectNotPresentEvent(pc))
1604 ················throw new NDOException( 72, "LoadData: Object " + pc.NDOObjectId.Dump() + " is not present in the database." );
1605 ············}
1606 ········}
1608 ········/// <summary>
1609 ········/// Creates a new IQuery object for the given type
1610 ········/// </summary>
1611 ········/// <param name="t"></param>
1612 ········/// <param name="oql"></param>
1613 ········/// <param name="hollow"></param>
1614 ········/// <param name="queryLanguage"></param>
1615 ········/// <returns></returns>
1616 ········public IQuery NewQuery(Type t, string oql, bool hollow = false, QueryLanguage queryLanguage = QueryLanguage.NDOql)
1617 ········{
1618 ············Type template = typeof( NDOQuery<object> ).GetGenericTypeDefinition();
1619 ············Type qt = template.MakeGenericType( t );
1620 ············return (IQuery)Activator.CreateInstance( qt, this, oql, hollow, queryLanguage );
1621 ········}
1623 ········private IQuery CreateOidQuery(IPersistenceCapable pc, Class cl)
1624 ········{
1625 ············ArrayList parameters = new ArrayList();
1626 ············string oql = "oid = {0}";
1627 ············IQuery q = NewQuery(pc.GetType(), oql, false);
1628 ············q.Parameters.Add( pc.NDOObjectId );
1629 ············q.AllowSubclasses = false;
1630 ············return q;
1631 ········}
1633 ········/// <summary>
1634 ········/// Mark the object dirty. The current state is
1635 ········/// saved in a DataRow, which is stored in the DS. This is done, to allow easy rollback later. Also, the
1636 ········/// object is locked in the cache.
1637 ········/// </summary>
1638 ········/// <param name="pc"></param>
1639 ········internal virtual void MarkDirty(IPersistenceCapable pc)
1640 ········{
1641 ············if (pc.NDOObjectState != NDOObjectState.Persistent)
1642 ················return;
1643 ············SaveObjectState(pc);
1644 ············pc.NDOObjectState = NDOObjectState.PersistentDirty;
1645 ········}
1647 ········/// <summary>
1648 ········/// Mark the object dirty, but make sure first, that the object is loaded.
1649 ········/// The current or loaded state is saved in a DataRow, which is stored in the DS.
1650 ········/// This is done, to allow easy rollback later. Also, the
1651 ········/// object is locked in the cache.
1652 ········/// </summary>
1653 ········/// <param name="pc"></param>
1654 ········internal void LoadAndMarkDirty(IPersistenceCapable pc)
1655 ········{
1656 ············Debug.Assert(pc.NDOObjectState != NDOObjectState.Transient, "Transient objects can't be marked as dirty.");
1658 ············if(pc.NDOObjectState == NDOObjectState.Deleted)
1659 ············{
1660 ················throw new NDOException(73, "LoadAndMarkDirty: Access to deleted objects is not allowed.");
1661 ············}
1663 ············if (pc.NDOObjectState == NDOObjectState.Hollow)
1664 ················LoadData(pc);
1666 ············// state is either (Created), Persistent, PersistentDirty
1667 ············if(pc.NDOObjectState == NDOObjectState.Persistent)
1668 ············{
1669 ················MarkDirty(pc);
1670 ············}
1671 ········}
1675 ········/// <summary>
1676 ········/// Save current object state in DS and lock the object in the cache.
1677 ········/// The saved state can be used later to retrieve the original object value if the
1678 ········/// current transaction is aborted. Also the state of all relations (not related objects) is stored.
1679 ········/// </summary>
1680 ········/// <param name="pc">The object that should be saved</param>
1681 ········/// <param name="isDeleting">Determines, if the object is about being deletet.</param>
1682 ········/// <remarks>
1683 ········/// In a data row there are the following things:
1684 ········/// Item································Responsible for writing
1685 ········/// State (own, inherited, embedded)····WriteObject
1686 ········/// TimeStamp····························NDOPersistenceHandler
1687 ········/// Oid····································WriteId
1688 ········/// Foreign Keys and their Type Codes····WriteForeignKeys
1689 ········/// </remarks>
1690 ········protected virtual void SaveObjectState(IPersistenceCapable pc, bool isDeleting = false)
1691 ········{
1692 ············Debug.Assert(pc.NDOObjectState == NDOObjectState.Persistent, "Object must be unmodified and persistent but is " + pc.NDOObjectState);
1693 ············
1694 ············DataTable table = GetTable(pc);
1695 ············DataRow row = table.NewRow();
1696 ············Class cl = GetClass(pc);
1697 ············WriteObject(pc, row, cl.ColumnNames, 0);
1698 ············WriteIdToRow(pc, row);
1699 ············if (!isDeleting)
1700 ················WriteLostForeignKeysToRow(cl, pc, row);
1701 ············table.Rows.Add(row);
1702 ············row.AcceptChanges();
1703 ············
1704 ············var relations = CollectRelationStates(pc);
1705 ············cache.Lock(pc, row, relations);
1706 ········}
1708 ········private void SaveFakeRow(IPersistenceCapable pc)
1709 ········{
1710 ············Debug.Assert(pc.NDOObjectState == NDOObjectState.Hollow, "Object must be hollow but is " + pc.NDOObjectState);
1711 ············
1712 ············DataTable table = GetTable(pc);
1713 ············DataRow row = table.NewRow();
1714 ············Class pcClass = GetClass(pc);
1715 ············row.SetColumnError(GetFakeRowOidColumnName(pcClass), hollowMarker);
1716 ············Class cl = GetClass(pc);
1717 ············//WriteObject(pc, row, cl.FieldNames, 0);
1718 ············WriteIdToRow(pc, row);
1719 ············table.Rows.Add(row);
1720 ············row.AcceptChanges();
1721 ············
1722 ············cache.Lock(pc, row, null);
1723 ········}
1725 ········/// <summary>
1726 ········/// This defines one column of the row, in which we use the
1727 ········/// ColumnError property to determine, if the row is a fake row.
1728 ········/// </summary>
1729 ········/// <param name="pcClass"></param>
1730 ········/// <returns></returns>
1731 ········private string GetFakeRowOidColumnName(Class pcClass)
1732 ········{
1733 ············// In case of several OidColumns the first column defined in the mapping
1734 ············// will be the one, holding the fake row info.
1735 ············return ((OidColumn)pcClass.Oid.OidColumns[0]).Name;
1736 ········}
1738 ········private bool IsFakeRow(Class cl, DataRow row)
1739 ········{
1740 ············return (row.GetColumnError(GetFakeRowOidColumnName(cl)) == hollowMarker);
1741 ········}
1743 ········/// <summary>
1744 ········/// Make a list of objects persistent.
1745 ········/// </summary>
1746 ········/// <param name="list">the list of IPersistenceCapable objects</param>
1747 ········public void MakePersistent(System.Collections.IList list)
1748 ········{
1749 ············foreach (IPersistenceCapable pc in list)
1750 ············{
1751 ················MakePersistent(pc);
1752 ············}
1753 ········}
1755 ········/// <summary>
1756 ········/// Save state of related objects in the cache. Only the list itself is duplicated and stored. The related objects are
1757 ········/// not duplicated.
1758 ········/// </summary>
1759 ········/// <param name="pc">the parent object of all relations</param>
1760 ········/// <returns></returns>
1761 ········protected internal virtual List<KeyValuePair<Relation,object>> CollectRelationStates(IPersistenceCapable pc)
1762 ········{
1763 ············// Save state of relations
1764 ············Class c = GetClass(pc);
1765 ············List<KeyValuePair<Relation, object>> relations = new List<KeyValuePair<Relation, object>>( c.Relations.Count());
1766 ············foreach(Relation r in c.Relations)
1767 ············{
1768 ················if (r.Multiplicity == RelationMultiplicity.Element)
1769 ················{
1770 ····················relations.Add( new KeyValuePair<Relation, object>( r, mappings.GetRelationField( pc, r.FieldName ) ) );
1771 ················}
1772 ················else
1773 ················{
1774 ····················IList l = mappings.GetRelationContainer(pc, r);
1775 ····················if(l != null)
1776 ····················{
1777 ························l = (IList) ListCloner.CloneList(l);
1778 ····················}
1779 ····················relations.Add( new KeyValuePair<Relation, object>( r, l ) );
1780 ················}
1781 ············}
1783 ············return relations;
1784 ········}
1787 ········/// <summary>
1788 ········/// Restore the saved relations.··Note that the objects are not restored as this is handled transparently
1789 ········/// by the normal persistence mechanism. Only the number and order of objects are restored, e.g. the state,
1790 ········/// the list had at the beginning of the transaction.
1791 ········/// </summary>
1792 ········/// <param name="pc"></param>
1793 ········/// <param name="relations"></param>
1794 ········private void RestoreRelatedObjects(IPersistenceCapable pc, List<KeyValuePair<Relation, object>> relations )
1795 ········{
1796 ············Class c = GetClass(pc);
1798 ············foreach(var entry in relations)
1799 ············{
1800 ················var r = entry.Key;
1801 ················if (r.Multiplicity == RelationMultiplicity.Element)
1802 ················{
1803 ····················mappings.SetRelationField(pc, r.FieldName, entry.Value);
1804 ················}
1805 ················else
1806 ················{
1807 ····················if (pc.NDOGetLoadState(r.Ordinal))
1808 ····················{
1809 ························// Help GC by clearing lists
1810 ························IList l = mappings.GetRelationContainer(pc, r);
1811 ························if(l != null)
1812 ························{
1813 ····························l.Clear();
1814 ························}
1815 ························// Restore relation
1816 ························mappings.SetRelationContainer(pc, r, (IList)entry.Value);
1817 ····················}
1818 ················}
1819 ············}
1820 ········}
1823 ········/// <summary>
1824 ········/// Generates a query for related objects without mapping table.
1825 ········/// Note: this function can't be called in polymorphic scenarios,
1826 ········/// since they need a mapping table.
1827 ········/// </summary>
1828 ········/// <returns></returns>
1829 ········IList QueryRelatedObjects(IPersistenceCapable pc, Relation r, IList l, bool hollow)
1830 ········{
1831 ············// At this point of execution we know,
1832 ············// that the target type is not polymorphic and is not 1:1.
1834 ············// We can't fetch these objects with an NDOql query
1835 ············// since this would require a relation in the opposite direction
1837 ············IList relatedObjects;
1838 ············if (l != null)
1839 ················relatedObjects = l;
1840 ············else
1841 ················relatedObjects = mappings.CreateRelationContainer( pc, r );
1843 ············Type t = r.ReferencedType;
1844 ············Class cl = GetClass( t );
1845 ············var provider = cl.Provider;
1847 ············StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("SELECT * FROM ");
1848 ············var relClass = GetClass( r.ReferencedType );
1849 ············sb.Append( GetClass( r.ReferencedType ).GetQualifiedTableName() );
1850 ············sb.Append( " WHERE " );
1851 ············int i = 0;
1852 ············List<object> parameters = new List<object>();
1853 ············new ForeignKeyIterator( r ).Iterate( delegate ( ForeignKeyColumn fkColumn, bool isLastElement )
1854 ·············· {
1855 ·················· sb.Append( fkColumn.GetQualifiedName(relClass) );
1856 ·················· sb.Append( " = {" );
1857 ·················· sb.Append(i);
1858 ·················· sb.Append( '}' );
1859 ·················· parameters.Add( pc.NDOObjectId.Id[i] );
1860 ·················· if (!isLastElement)
1861 ······················ sb.Append( " AND " );
1862 ·················· i++;
1863 ·············· } );
1865 ············if (!(String.IsNullOrEmpty( r.ForeignKeyTypeColumnName )))
1866 ············{
1867 ················sb.Append( " AND " );
1868 ················sb.Append( provider.GetQualifiedTableName( relClass.TableName + "." + r.ForeignKeyTypeColumnName ) );
1869 ················sb.Append( " = " );
1870 ················sb.Append( pc.NDOObjectId.Id.TypeId );
1871 ············}
1873 ············IQuery q = NewQuery( t, sb.ToString(), hollow, Query.QueryLanguage.Sql );
1875 ············foreach (var p in parameters)
1876 ············{
1877 ················q.Parameters.Add( p );
1878 ············}
1880 ············q.AllowSubclasses = false;··// Remember: polymorphic relations always have a mapping table
1882 ············IList l2 = q.Execute();
1884 ············foreach (object o in l2)
1885 ················relatedObjects.Add( o );
1887 ············return relatedObjects;
1888 ········}
1891 ········/// <summary>
1892 ········/// Resolves an relation. The loaded objects will be hollow.
1893 ········/// </summary>
1894 ········/// <param name="o">The parent object.</param>
1895 ········/// <param name="fieldName">The field name of the container or variable, which represents the relation.</param>
1896 ········/// <param name="hollow">True, if the fetched objects should be hollow.</param>
1897 ········/// <remarks>Note: 1:1 relations without mapping table will be resolved during the transition from the hollow to the persistent state. To force this transition, use the <see cref="LoadData">LoadData</see> function.<seealso cref="LoadData"/></remarks>
1898 ········public virtual void LoadRelation(object o, string fieldName, bool hollow)
1899 ········{
1900 ············IPersistenceCapable pc = CheckPc(o);
1901 ············LoadRelationInternal(pc, fieldName, hollow);
1902 ········}
1904 ········
1906 ········internal IList LoadRelation(IPersistenceCapable pc, Relation r, bool hollow)
1907 ········{
1908 ············IList result = null;
1910 ············if (pc.NDOObjectState == NDOObjectState.Created)
1911 ················return null;
1913 ············if (pc.NDOObjectState == NDOObjectState.Hollow)
1914 ················LoadData(pc);
1916 ············if(r.MappingTable == null)
1917 ············{
1918 ················// 1:1 are loaded with LoadData
1919 ················if (r.Multiplicity == RelationMultiplicity.List)
1920 ················{
1921 ····················// Help GC by clearing lists
1922 ····················IList l = mappings.GetRelationContainer(pc, r);
1923 ····················if(l != null)
1924 ························l.Clear();
1925 ····················IList relatedObjects = QueryRelatedObjects(pc, r, l, hollow);
1926 ····················mappings.SetRelationContainer(pc, r, relatedObjects);
1927 ····················result = relatedObjects;
1928 ················}
1929 ············}
1930 ············else
1931 ············{
1932 ················DataTable dt = null;
1934 ················using (IMappingTableHandler handler = PersistenceHandlerManager.GetPersistenceHandler( pc ).GetMappingTableHandler( r ))
1935 ················{
1936 ····················handler.VerboseMode = VerboseMode;
1937 ····················handler.LogAdapter = LogAdapter;
1938 ····················CheckTransaction( handler, r.MappingTable.Connection );
1939 ····················dt = handler.FindRelatedObjects(pc.NDOObjectId, this.ds);
1940 ················}
1942 ················IList relatedObjects;
1943 ················if(r.Multiplicity == RelationMultiplicity.Element)
1944 ····················relatedObjects = GenericListReflector.CreateList(r.ReferencedType, dt.Rows.Count);
1945 ················else
1946 ················{
1947 ····················relatedObjects = mappings.GetRelationContainer(pc, r);
1948 ····················if(relatedObjects != null)
1949 ························relatedObjects.Clear();··// Objects will be reread
1950 ····················else
1951 ························relatedObjects = mappings.CreateRelationContainer(pc, r);
1952 ················}
1953 ····················
1954 ················foreach(DataRow objRow in dt.Rows)
1955 ················{
1956 ····················Type relType;
1958 ····················if (r.MappingTable.ChildForeignKeyTypeColumnName != null)························
1959 ····················{
1960 ························object typeCodeObj = objRow[r.MappingTable.ChildForeignKeyTypeColumnName];
1961 ························if (typeCodeObj is System.DBNull)
1962 ····························throw new NDOException( 75, String.Format( "Can't resolve subclass type code of type {0} in relation '{1}' - the type code in the data row is null.", r.ReferencedTypeName, r.ToString() ) );
1963 ························relType = typeManager[(int)typeCodeObj];
1964 ························if (relType == null)
1965 ····························throw new NDOException(75, String.Format("Can't resolve subclass type code {0} of type {1} - check, if your NDOTypes.xml exists.", objRow[r.MappingTable.ChildForeignKeyTypeColumnName], r.ReferencedTypeName));
1966 ····················}························
1967 ····················else
1968 ····················{
1969 ························relType = r.ReferencedType;
1970 ····················}
1972 ····················//TODO: Generic Types: Exctract the type description from the type name column
1973 ····················if (relType.IsGenericTypeDefinition)
1974 ························throw new NotImplementedException("NDO doesn't support relations to generic types via mapping tables.");
1975 ····················ObjectId id = ObjectIdFactory.NewObjectId(relType, GetClass(relType), objRow, r.MappingTable, this.typeManager);
1976 ····················IPersistenceCapable relObj = FindObject(id);
1977 ····················relatedObjects.Add(relObj);
1978 ················}····
1979 ················if (r.Multiplicity == RelationMultiplicity.Element)
1980 ················{
1981 ····················Debug.Assert(relatedObjects.Count <= 1, "NDO retrieved more than one object for relation with cardinality 1");
1982 ····················mappings.SetRelationField(pc, r.FieldName, relatedObjects.Count > 0 ? relatedObjects[0] : null);
1983 ················}
1984 ················else
1985 ················{
1986 ····················mappings.SetRelationContainer(pc, r, relatedObjects);
1987 ····················result = relatedObjects;
1988 ················}
1989 ············}
1990 ············// Mark relation as loaded
1991 ············pc.NDOSetLoadState(r.Ordinal, true);
1992 ············return result;
1993 ········}
1995 ········/// <summary>
1996 ········/// Loads elements of a relation
1997 ········/// </summary>
1998 ········/// <param name="pc">The object which needs to load the relation</param>
1999 ········/// <param name="relationName">The name of the relation</param>
2000 ········/// <param name="hollow">Determines, if the related objects should be hollow.</param>
2001 ········internal IList LoadRelationInternal(IPersistenceCapable pc, string relationName, bool hollow)
2002 ········{
2003 ············if (pc.NDOObjectState == NDOObjectState.Created)
2004 ················return null;
2005 ············Class cl = GetClass(pc);
2007 ············Relation r = cl.FindRelation(relationName);
2009 ············if ( r == null )
2010 ················throw new NDOException( 76, String.Format( "Error while loading related objects: Can't find relation mapping for the field {0}.{1}. Check your mapping file.", pc.GetType().FullName, relationName ) );
2012 ············if ( pc.NDOGetLoadState( r.Ordinal ) )
2013 ················return null;
2015 ············return LoadRelation(pc, r, hollow);
2016 ········}
2018 ········/// <summary>
2019 ········/// Load the related objects of a parent object. The current value of the relation is replaced by the
2020 ········/// a list of objects that has been read from the DB.
2021 ········/// </summary>
2022 ········/// <param name="pc">The parent object of the relations</param>
2023 ········/// <param name="row">A data row containing the state of the object</param>
2024 ········private void LoadRelated1To1Objects(IPersistenceCapable pc, DataRow row)
2025 ········{
2026 ············// Stripped down to only serve 1:1-Relations w/out mapping table
2027 ············Class cl = GetClass(pc);
2028 ············foreach(Relation r in cl.Relations)
2029 ············{
2030 ················if(r.MappingTable == null)
2031 ················{
2032 ····················if (r.Multiplicity == RelationMultiplicity.Element)
2033 ····················{
2034 ························bool isNull = false;
2035 ························foreach (ForeignKeyColumn fkColumn in r.ForeignKeyColumns)
2036 ························{
2037 ····························isNull = isNull || (row[fkColumn.Name] == DBNull.Value);
2038 ························}
2039 ························if (isNull)
2040 ························{
2041 ····························mappings.SetRelationField(pc, r.FieldName, null);
2042 ························}
2043 ························else
2044 ························{
2045 ····························Type relType;
2046 ····························if (r.HasSubclasses)
2047 ····························{
2048 ································object o = row[r.ForeignKeyTypeColumnName];
2049 ································if (o == DBNull.Value)
2050 ····································throw new NDOException(75, String.Format(
2051 ········································"Can't resolve subclass type code {0} of type {1} - type code value is DBNull.",
2052 ········································row[r.ForeignKeyTypeColumnName], r.ReferencedTypeName));
2053 ································relType = typeManager[(int)o];
2054 ····························}
2055 ····························else
2056 ····························{
2057 ································relType = r.ReferencedType;
2058 ····························}
2059 ····························if (relType == null)
2060 ····························{
2061 ································throw new NDOException(75, String.Format(
2062 ····································"Can't resolve subclass type code {0} of type {1} - check, if your NDOTypes.xml exists.",
2063 ····································row[r.ForeignKeyTypeColumnName], r.ReferencedTypeName));
2064 ····························}
2065 ····
2066 ····························int count = r.ForeignKeyColumns.Count();
2067 ····························object[] keydata = new object[count];
2068 ····························int i = 0;
2069 ····························foreach(ForeignKeyColumn fkColumn in r.ForeignKeyColumns)
2070 ····························{
2071 ································keydata[i++] = row[fkColumn.Name];
2072 ····························}
2074 ····························Type oidType = relType;
2075 ····························if (oidType.IsGenericTypeDefinition)
2076 ································oidType = mappings.GetRelationFieldType(r);
2078 ····························ObjectId childOid = ObjectIdFactory.NewObjectId(oidType, GetClass(relType), keydata, this.typeManager);
2079 ····························if(childOid.IsValid())
2080 ································mappings.SetRelationField(pc, r.FieldName, FindObject(childOid));
2081 ····························else
2082 ································mappings.SetRelationField(pc, r.FieldName, null);
2084 ························}
2085 ························pc.NDOSetLoadState(r.Ordinal, true);
2086 ····················}
2087 ················}
2088 ············}
2089 ········}
2091 ········
2092 ········/// <summary>
2093 ········/// Creates a new ObjectId with the same Key value as a given ObjectId.
2094 ········/// </summary>
2095 ········/// <param name="oid">An ObjectId, which Key value will be used to build the new ObjectId.</param>
2096 ········/// <param name="t">The type of the object, the id will belong to.</param>
2097 ········/// <returns>An object of type ObjectId, or ObjectId.InvalidId</returns>
2098 ········/// <remarks>If the type t doesn't have a mapping in the mapping file an Exception of type NDOException is thrown.</remarks>
2099 ········public ObjectId NewObjectId(ObjectId oid, Type t)
2100 ········{
2101 ············return new ObjectId(oid.Id, t);
2102 ········}
2104 ········/*
2105 ········/// <summary>
2106 ········/// Creates a new ObjectId which can be used to retrieve objects from the database.
2107 ········/// </summary>
2108 ········/// <param name="keyData">The id, which will be used to search for the object in the database</param>
2109 ········/// <param name="t">The type of the object.</param>
2110 ········/// <returns>An object of type ObjectId, or ObjectId.InvalidId</returns>
2111 ········/// <remarks>The keyData parameter must be one of the types Int32, String, Byte[] or Guid. If keyData is null or the type of keyData is invalid the function returns ObjectId.InvalidId. If the type t doesn't have a mapping in the mapping file, an Exception of type NDOException is thrown.</remarks>
2112 ········public ObjectId NewObjectId(object keyData, Type t)
2113 ········{
2114 ············if (keyData == null || keyData == DBNull.Value)
2115 ················return ObjectId.InvalidId;
2117 ············Class cl =··GetClass(t);············
2118 ············
2119 ············if (cl.Oid.FieldType == typeof(int))
2120 ················return new ObjectId(new Int32Key(t, (int)keyData));
2121 ············else if (cl.Oid.FieldType == typeof(string))
2122 ················return new ObjectId(new StringKey(t, (String) keyData));
2123 ············else if (cl.Oid.FieldType == typeof(Guid))
2124 ················if (keyData is string)
2125 ····················return new ObjectId(new GuidKey(t, new Guid((String) keyData)));
2126 ················else
2127 ····················return new ObjectId(new GuidKey(t, (Guid) keyData));
2128 ············else if (cl.Oid.FieldType == typeof(MultiKey))
2129 ················return new ObjectId(new MultiKey(t, (object[]) keyData));
2130 ············else
2131 ················return ObjectId.InvalidId;
2132 ········}
2133 ········*/
2136 ········/*
2137 ········ * ····················if (cl.Oid.FieldName != null && HasOwnerCreatedIds)
2138 ····················{
2139 ························// The column, which hold the oid gets overwritten, if
2140 ························// Oid.FieldName contains a value.
2141 */
2142 ········private void WriteIdFieldsToRow(IPersistenceCapable pc, DataRow row)
2143 ········{
2144 ············Class cl = GetClass(pc);
2146 ············if (cl.Oid.IsDependent)
2147 ················return;
2149 ············Key key = pc.NDOObjectId.Id;
2151 ············for (int i = 0; i < cl.Oid.OidColumns.Count; i++)
2152 ············{
2153 ················OidColumn oidColumn = (OidColumn)cl.Oid.OidColumns[i];
2154 ················if (oidColumn.FieldName != null)
2155 ················{
2156 ····················row[oidColumn.Name] = key[i];
2157 ················}
2158 ············}
2159 ········}
2161 ········private void WriteIdToRow(IPersistenceCapable pc, DataRow row)
2162 ········{
2163 ············NDO.Mapping.Class cl = GetClass(pc);
2164 ············ObjectId oid = pc.NDOObjectId;
2166 ············if (cl.TimeStampColumn != null)
2167 ················row[cl.TimeStampColumn] = pc.NDOTimeStamp;
2169 ············if (cl.Oid.IsDependent)··// Oid data is in relation columns
2170 ················return;
2172 ············Key key = oid.Id;
2174 ············for (int i = 0; i < cl.Oid.OidColumns.Count; i++)
2175 ············{
2176 ················OidColumn oidColumn = (OidColumn)cl.Oid.OidColumns[i];
2177 ················row[oidColumn.Name] = key[i];
2178 ············}
2179 ········}
2181 ········private void ReadIdFromRow(IPersistenceCapable pc, DataRow row)
2182 ········{
2183 ············ObjectId oid = pc.NDOObjectId;
2184 ············NDO.Mapping.Class cl = GetClass(pc);
2186 ············if (cl.Oid.IsDependent)··// Oid data is in relation columns
2187 ················return;
2189 ············Key key = oid.Id;
2191 ············for (int i = 0; i < cl.Oid.OidColumns.Count; i++)
2192 ············{
2193 ················OidColumn oidColumn = (OidColumn)cl.Oid.OidColumns[i];
2194 ················object o = row[oidColumn.Name];
2195 ················if (!(o is Int32) && !(o is Guid) && !(o is String) && !(o is Int64))
2196 ····················throw new NDOException(78, "ReadId: invalid Id Column type in " + oidColumn.Name + ": " + o.GetType().FullName);
2197 ················if (oidColumn.SystemType == typeof(Guid) && (o is String))
2198 ····················key[i] = new Guid((string)o);
2199 ················else
2200 ····················key[i] = o;
2201 ············}
2203 ········}
2205 ········private void ReadId (Cache.Entry e)
2206 ········{
2207 ············ReadIdFromRow(e.pc, e.row);
2208 ········}
2210 ········private void WriteObject(IPersistenceCapable pc, DataRow row, string[] fieldNames)
2211 ········{
2212 ············WriteObject(pc, row, fieldNames, 0);
2213 ········}
2215 ········private void ReadTimeStamp(Class cl, IPersistenceCapable pc, DataRow row)
2216 ········{
2217 ············if (cl.TimeStampColumn == null)
2218 ················return;
2219 ············object col = row[cl.TimeStampColumn];
2220 ············if (col is String)
2221 ················pc.NDOTimeStamp = new Guid(col.ToString());
2222 ············else
2223 ················pc.NDOTimeStamp = (Guid) col;
2224 ········}
2228 ········private void ReadTimeStamp(Cache.Entry e)
2229 ········{
2230 ············IPersistenceCapable pc = e.pc;
2231 ············NDO.Mapping.Class cl = GetClass(pc);
2232 ············Debug.Assert(!IsFakeRow(cl, e.row));
2233 ············if (cl.TimeStampColumn == null)
2234 ················return;
2235 ············if (e.row[cl.TimeStampColumn] is String)
2236 ················e.pc.NDOTimeStamp = new Guid(e.row[cl.TimeStampColumn].ToString());
2237 ············else
2238 ················e.pc.NDOTimeStamp = (Guid) e.row[cl.TimeStampColumn];
2239 ········}
2241 ········/// <summary>
2242 ········/// Determines, if any objects are new, changed or deleted.
2243 ········/// </summary>
2244 ········public virtual bool HasChanges
2245 ········{
2246 ············get
2247 ············{
2248 ················return cache.LockedObjects.Count > 0;
2249 ············}
2250 ········}
2252 ········/// <summary>
2253 ········/// Do the update for all rows in the ds.
2254 ········/// </summary>
2255 ········/// <param name="types">Types with changes.</param>
2256 ········/// <param name="delete">True, if delete operations are to be performed.</param>
2257 ········/// <remarks>
2258 ········/// Delete and Insert/Update operations are to be separated to maintain the type order.
2259 ········/// </remarks>
2260 ········private void UpdateTypes(IList types, bool delete)
2261 ········{
2262 ············foreach(Type t in types)
2263 ············{
2264 ················//Debug.WriteLine("Update Deleted Objects: "··+ t.Name);
2265 ················using (IPersistenceHandler handler = PersistenceHandlerManager.GetPersistenceHandler( t ))
2266 ················{
2267 ····················handler.VerboseMode = VerboseMode;
2268 ····················handler.LogAdapter = LogAdapter;
2269 ····················CheckTransaction( handler, t );
2270 ····················ConcurrencyErrorHandler ceh = new ConcurrencyErrorHandler(this.OnConcurrencyError);
2271 ····················handler.ConcurrencyError += ceh;
2272 ····················try
2273 ····················{
2274 ························DataTable dt = GetTable(t);
2275 ························if (delete)
2276 ····························handler.UpdateDeletedObjects( dt );
2277 ························else
2278 ····························handler.Update( dt );
2279 ····················}
2280 ····················finally
2281 ····················{
2282 ························handler.ConcurrencyError -= ceh;
2283 ····················}
2284 ················}
2285 ············}
2286 ········}
2288 ········internal void UpdateCreatedMappingTableEntries()
2289 ········{
2290 ············foreach (MappingTableEntry e in createdMappingTableObjects)
2291 ············{
2292 ················if (!e.DeleteEntry)
2293 ····················WriteMappingTableEntry(e);
2294 ············}
2295 ············// Now update all mapping tables
2296 ············foreach (IMappingTableHandler handler in mappingHandler.Values)
2297 ············{
2298 ················handler.LogAdapter = this.LogAdapter;
2299 ················handler.VerboseMode = this.VerboseMode;
2300 ················CheckTransaction( handler, handler.Relation.MappingTable.Connection );
2301 ················handler.Update(ds);
2302 ············}
2303 ········}
2305 ········internal void UpdateDeletedMappingTableEntries()
2306 ········{
2307 ············foreach (MappingTableEntry e in createdMappingTableObjects)
2308 ············{
2309 ················if (e.DeleteEntry)
2310 ····················WriteMappingTableEntry(e);
2311 ············}
2312 ············// Now update all mapping tables
2313 ············foreach (IMappingTableHandler handler in mappingHandler.Values)
2314 ············{
2315 ················handler.LogAdapter = this.LogAdapter;
2316 ················handler.VerboseMode = this.VerboseMode;
2317 ················CheckTransaction( handler, handler.Relation.MappingTable.Connection );
2318 ················handler.Update(ds);
2319 ············}
2320 ········}
2322 ········/// <summary>
2323 ········/// Save all changed object into the DataSet and update the DB.
2324 ········/// When a newly created object is written to DB, the key might change. Therefore,
2325 ········/// the id is updated and the object is removed and re-inserted into the cache.
2326 ········/// </summary>
2327 ········public virtual void Save(bool deferCommit = false)
2328 ········{
2329 ············this.DeferredMode = deferCommit;
2330 ············var htOnSaving = new HashSet<ObjectId>();
2331 ············for(;;)
2332 ············{
2333 ················// We need to work on a copy of the locked objects list,
2334 ················// since the handlers might add more objects to the cache
2335 ················var lockedObjects = cache.LockedObjects.ToList();
2336 ················int count = lockedObjects.Count;
2337 ················foreach(Cache.Entry e in lockedObjects)
2338 ················{
2339 ····················if (e.pc.NDOObjectState != NDOObjectState.Deleted)
2340 ····················{
2341 ························IPersistenceNotifiable ipn = e.pc as IPersistenceNotifiable;
2342 ························if (ipn != null)
2343 ························{
2344 ····························if (!htOnSaving.Contains(e.pc.NDOObjectId))
2345 ····························{
2346 ································ipn.OnSaving();
2347 ································htOnSaving.Add(e.pc.NDOObjectId);
2348 ····························}
2349 ························}
2350 ····················}
2351 ················}
2352 ················// The system is stable, if the count doesn't change
2353 ················if (cache.LockedObjects.Count == count)
2354 ····················break;
2355 ············}
2357 ············if (this.OnSavingEvent != null)
2358 ············{
2359 ················IList onSavingObjects = new ArrayList(cache.LockedObjects.Count);
2360 ················foreach(Cache.Entry e in cache.LockedObjects)
2361 ····················onSavingObjects.Add(e.pc);
2362 ················OnSavingEvent(onSavingObjects);
2363 ············}
2365 ············List<Type> types = new List<Type>();
2366 ············List<IPersistenceCapable> deletedObjects = new List<IPersistenceCapable>();
2367 ············List<IPersistenceCapable> hollowModeObjects = hollowMode ? new List<IPersistenceCapable>() : null;
2368 ············List<IPersistenceCapable> changedObjects = new List<IPersistenceCapable>();
2369 ············List<IPersistenceCapable> addedObjects = new List<IPersistenceCapable>();
2370 ············List<Cache.Entry> addedCacheEntries = new List<Cache.Entry>();
2372 ············// Save current state in DataSet
2373 ············foreach (Cache.Entry e in cache.LockedObjects)
2374 ············{
2375 ················Type objType = e.pc.GetType();
2377 ················if (objType.IsGenericType && !objType.IsGenericTypeDefinition)
2378 ····················objType = objType.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
2380 ················Class cl = GetClass(e.pc);
2381 ················//Debug.WriteLine("Saving: " + objType.Name + " id = " + e.pc.NDOObjectId.Dump());
2382 ················if(!types.Contains(objType))
2383 ················{
2384 ····················//Debug.WriteLine("Added··type " + objType.Name);
2385 ····················types.Add(objType);
2386 ················}
2387 ················NDOObjectState objectState = e.pc.NDOObjectState;
2388 ················if(objectState == NDOObjectState.Deleted)
2389 ················{
2390 ····················deletedObjects.Add(e.pc);
2391 ················}
2392 ················else if(objectState == NDOObjectState.Created)
2393 ················{
2394 ····················WriteObject(e.pc, e.row, cl.ColumnNames);····················
2395 ····················WriteIdFieldsToRow(e.pc, e.row);··// If fields are mapped to Oid, write them into the row
2396 ····················WriteForeignKeysToRow(e.pc, e.row);
2397 ····················//····················Debug.WriteLine(e.pc.GetType().FullName);
2398 ····················//····················DataRow[] rows = new DataRow[cache.LockedObjects.Count];
2399 ····················//····················i = 0;
2400 ····················//····················foreach(Cache.Entry e2 in cache.LockedObjects)
2401 ····················//····················{
2402 ····················//························rows[i++] = e2.row;
2403 ····················//····················}
2404 ····················//····················System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand cmd = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("testCommand");
2405 ····················//····················new SqlDumper(new DebugLogAdapter(), NDOProviderFactory.Instance["Sql"], cmd, cmd, cmd, cmd).Dump(rows);
2407 ····················addedCacheEntries.Add(e);
2408 ····················addedObjects.Add( e.pc );
2409 ····················//····················objectState = NDOObjectState.Persistent;
2410 ················}
2411 ················else
2412 ················{
2413 ····················if (e.pc.NDOObjectState == NDOObjectState.PersistentDirty)
2414 ························changedObjects.Add( e.pc );
2415 ····················WriteObject(e.pc, e.row, cl.ColumnNames);
2416 ····················WriteForeignKeysToRow(e.pc, e.row); ····················
2417 ················}
2418 ················if(hollowMode && (objectState == NDOObjectState.Persistent || objectState == NDOObjectState.Created || objectState == NDOObjectState.PersistentDirty) )
2419 ················{
2420 ····················hollowModeObjects.Add(e.pc);
2421 ················}
2422 ············}
2424 ············// Before we delete any db rows, we have to make sure, to delete mapping
2425 ············// table entries first, which might have relations to the db rows to be deleted
2426 ············UpdateDeletedMappingTableEntries();
2428 ············// Update DB
2429 ············if (ds.HasChanges())
2430 ············{
2432 ················// We need the reversed update order for deletions.
2433 ················types.Sort( ( t1, t2 ) =>
2434 ················{
2435 ····················int i1 = mappings.GetUpdateOrder( t1 );
2436 ····················int i2 = mappings.GetUpdateOrder( t2 );
2437 ····················if (i1 < i2)
2438 ····················{
2439 ························if (!addedObjects.Any( pc => pc.GetType() == t1 ))
2440 ····························i1 += 100000;
2441 ····················}
2442 ····················else
2443 ····················{
2444 ························if (!addedObjects.Any( pc => pc.GetType() == t2 ))
2445 ····························i2 += 100000;
2446 ····················}
2447 ····················return i2 - i1;
2448 ················} );
2450 ················// Delete records first
2452 ················UpdateTypes(types, true);
2454 ················// Now do all other updates in correct order.
2455 ················types.Reverse();
2457 ················UpdateTypes(types, false);
2458 ················
2459 ················ds.AcceptChanges();
2460 ················if(createdDirectObjects.Count > 0)
2461 ················{
2462 ····················// Rewrite all children that have foreign keys to parents which have just been saved now.
2463 ····················// They must be written again to store the correct foreign keys.
2464 ····················foreach(IPersistenceCapable pc in createdDirectObjects)
2465 ····················{
2466 ························Class cl = GetClass(pc);
2467 ························DataRow r = this.cache.GetDataRow(pc);
2468 ························string fakeColumnName = GetFakeRowOidColumnName(cl);
2469 ························object o = r[fakeColumnName];
2470 ························r[fakeColumnName] = o;
2471 ····················}
2473 ····················UpdateTypes(types, false);
2474 ················}
2476 ················// Because object id might have changed during DB insertion, re-register newly created objects in the cache.
2477 ················foreach(Cache.Entry e in addedCacheEntries)
2478 ················{
2479 ····················cache.DeregisterLockedObject(e.pc);
2480 ····················ReadId(e);
2481 ····················cache.RegisterLockedObject(e.pc, e.row, e.relations);
2482 ················}
2484 ················// Now update all mapping tables. Because of possible subclasses, there is no
2485 ················// relation between keys in the dataset schema. Therefore, we can update mapping
2486 ················// tables only after all other objects have been written to ensure correct foreign keys.
2487 ················UpdateCreatedMappingTableEntries();
2489 ················// The rows may contain now new Ids, which should be
2490 ················// stored in the lostRowInfo's before the rows get detached
2491 ················foreach(Cache.Entry e in cache.LockedObjects)
2492 ················{
2493 ····················if (e.row.RowState != DataRowState.Detached)
2494 ····················{
2495 ························IPersistenceCapable pc = e.pc;
2496 ························ReadLostForeignKeysFromRow(GetClass(pc), pc, e.row);
2497 ····················}
2498 ················}
2500 ················ds.AcceptChanges();
2501 ············}
2503 ············EndSave(!deferCommit);
2505 ············foreach(IPersistenceCapable pc in deletedObjects)
2506 ············{
2507 ················MakeObjectTransient(pc, false);
2508 ············}
2510 ············ds.Clear();
2511 ············mappingHandler.Clear();
2512 ············createdDirectObjects.Clear();
2513 ············createdMappingTableObjects.Clear();
2514 ············this.relationChanges.Clear();
2516 ············if(hollowMode)
2517 ············{
2518 ················MakeHollow(hollowModeObjects);
2519 ············}
2521 ············if (this.OnSavedEvent != null)
2522 ············{
2523 ················AuditSet auditSet = new AuditSet()
2524 ················{
2525 ····················ChangedObjects = changedObjects,
2526 ····················CreatedObjects = addedObjects,
2527 ····················DeletedObjects = deletedObjects
2528 ················};
2529 ················this.OnSavedEvent( auditSet );
2530 ············}
2531 ········}
2533 ········private void EndSave(bool forceCommit)
2534 ········{
2535 ············foreach(Cache.Entry e in cache.LockedObjects)
2536 ············{
2537 ················if (e.pc.NDOObjectState == NDOObjectState.Created || e.pc.NDOObjectState == NDOObjectState.PersistentDirty)
2538 ····················this.ReadTimeStamp(e);
2539 ················e.pc.NDOObjectState = NDOObjectState.Persistent;
2540 ············}
2542 ············cache.UnlockAll();
2544 ············CheckEndTransaction(forceCommit);
2545 ········}
2547 ········/// <summary>
2548 ········/// Write all foreign keys for 1:1-relations.
2549 ········/// </summary>
2550 ········/// <param name="pc">The persistent object.</param>
2551 ········/// <param name="pcRow">The DataRow of the pesistent object.</param>
2552 ········private void WriteForeignKeysToRow(IPersistenceCapable pc, DataRow pcRow)
2553 ········{
2554 ············foreach(Relation r in mappings.Get1to1Relations(pc.GetType()))
2555 ············{
2556 ················IPersistenceCapable relObj = (IPersistenceCapable)mappings.GetRelationField(pc, r.FieldName);
2557 ················bool isDependent = GetClass(pc).Oid.IsDependent;
2559 ················if ( relObj != null )
2560 ················{
2561 ····················int i = 0;
2562 ····················foreach ( ForeignKeyColumn fkColumn in r.ForeignKeyColumns )
2563 ····················{
2564 ························pcRow[fkColumn.Name] = relObj.NDOObjectId.Id[i++];
2565 ····················}
2566 ····················if ( r.ForeignKeyTypeColumnName != null )
2567 ····················{
2568 ························pcRow[r.ForeignKeyTypeColumnName] = relObj.NDOObjectId.Id.TypeId;
2569 ····················}
2570 ················}
2571 ················else
2572 ················{
2573 ····················foreach ( ForeignKeyColumn fkColumn in r.ForeignKeyColumns )
2574 ····················{
2575 ························pcRow[fkColumn.Name] = DBNull.Value;
2576 ····················}
2577 ····················if ( r.ForeignKeyTypeColumnName != null )
2578 ····················{
2579 ························pcRow[r.ForeignKeyTypeColumnName] = DBNull.Value;
2580 ····················}
2581 ················}
2582 ············}
2583 ········}
2587 ········/// <summary>
2588 ········/// Write a mapping table entry to it's corresponding table. This is a pair of foreign keys.
2589 ········/// </summary>
2590 ········/// <param name="e">the mapping table entry</param>
2591 ········private void WriteMappingTableEntry(MappingTableEntry e)
2592 ········{
2593 ············IPersistenceCapable pc = e.ParentObject;
2594 ············IPersistenceCapable relObj = e.RelatedObject;
2595 ············Relation r = e.Relation;
2596 ············DataTable dt = GetTable(r.MappingTable.TableName);
2597 ············DataRow row = dt.NewRow();
2598 ············int i = 0;
2599 ············foreach (ForeignKeyColumn fkColumn in r.ForeignKeyColumns )
2600 ············{
2601 ················row[fkColumn.Name] = pc.NDOObjectId.Id[i++];
2602 ············}
2603 ············i = 0;
2604 ············foreach (ForeignKeyColumn fkColumn in r.MappingTable.ChildForeignKeyColumns)
2605 ············{
2606 ················row[fkColumn.Name] = relObj.NDOObjectId.Id[i++];
2607 ············}
2609 ············if (r.ForeignKeyTypeColumnName != null)
2610 ················row[r.ForeignKeyTypeColumnName] = pc.NDOObjectId.Id.TypeId;
2611 ············if (r.MappingTable.ChildForeignKeyTypeColumnName != null)
2612 ················row[r.MappingTable.ChildForeignKeyTypeColumnName] = relObj.NDOObjectId.Id.TypeId;
2614 ············dt.Rows.Add(row);
2615 ············if(e.DeleteEntry)
2616 ············{
2617 ················row.AcceptChanges();
2618 ················row.Delete();
2619 ············}
2621 ············IMappingTableHandler handler;
2622 ············if (!mappingHandler.TryGetValue( r, out handler ))
2623 ············{
2624 ················mappingHandler[r] = handler = PersistenceHandlerManager.GetPersistenceHandler( pc ).GetMappingTableHandler( r );
2625 ············}
2626 ········}
2629 ········/// <summary>
2630 ········/// Undo changes of a certain object
2631 ········/// </summary>
2632 ········/// <param name="o">Object to undo</param>
2633 ········public void Restore(object o)
2634 ········{············
2635 ············IPersistenceCapable pc = CheckPc(o);
2636 ············Cache.Entry e = null;
2637 ············foreach (Cache.Entry entry in cache.LockedObjects)
2638 ············{
2639 ················if (entry.pc == pc)
2640 ················{
2641 ····················e = entry;
2642 ····················break;
2643 ················}
2644 ············}
2645 ············if (e == null)
2646 ················return;
2647 ············Class cl = GetClass(e.pc);
2648 ············switch (pc.NDOObjectState)
2649 ············{
2650 ················case NDOObjectState.PersistentDirty:
2651 ····················ObjectListManipulator.Remove(createdDirectObjects, pc);
2652 ····················foreach(Relation r in cl.Relations)
2653 ····················{
2654 ························if (r.Multiplicity == RelationMultiplicity.Element)
2655 ························{
2656 ····························IPersistenceCapable subPc = (IPersistenceCapable) mappings.GetRelationField(pc, r.FieldName);
2657 ····························if (subPc != null && cache.IsLocked(subPc))
2658 ································Restore(subPc);
2659 ························}
2660 ························else
2661 ························{
2662 ····························if (!pc.NDOGetLoadState(r.Ordinal))
2663 ································continue;
2664 ····························IList subList = (IList) mappings.GetRelationContainer(pc, r);
2665 ····························if (subList != null)
2666 ····························{
2667 ································foreach(IPersistenceCapable subPc2 in subList)
2668 ································{
2669 ····································if (cache.IsLocked(subPc2))
2670 ········································Restore(subPc2);
2671 ································}
2672 ····························}
2673 ························}
2674 ····················}
2675 ····················RestoreRelatedObjects(pc, e.relations);
2676 ····················e.row.RejectChanges();
2677 ····················ReadObject(pc, e.row, cl.ColumnNames, 0);
2678 ····················cache.Unlock(pc);
2679 ····················pc.NDOObjectState = NDOObjectState.Persistent;
2680 ····················break;
2681 ················case NDOObjectState.Created:
2682 ····················ReadObject(pc, e.row, cl.ColumnNames, 0);
2683 ····················cache.Unlock(pc);
2684 ····················MakeObjectTransient(pc, true);
2685 ····················break;
2686 ················case NDOObjectState.Deleted:
2687 ····················if (!this.IsFakeRow(cl, e.row))
2688 ····················{
2689 ························e.row.RejectChanges();
2690 ························ReadObject(e.pc, e.row, cl.ColumnNames, 0);
2691 ························e.pc.NDOObjectState = NDOObjectState.Persistent;
2692 ····················}
2693 ····················else
2694 ····················{
2695 ························e.row.RejectChanges();
2696 ························e.pc.NDOObjectState = NDOObjectState.Hollow;
2697 ····················}
2698 ····················cache.Unlock(pc);
2699 ····················break;
2701 ············}
2702 ········}
2704 ········/// <summary>
2705 ········/// Aborts a pending transaction without restoring the object state.
2706 ········/// </summary>
2707 ········/// <remarks>Supports both local and EnterpriseService Transactions.</remarks>
2708 ········public virtual void AbortTransaction()
2709 ········{
2710 ············TransactionScope.Dispose();
2711 ········}
2713 ········/// <summary>
2714 ········/// Rejects all changes and restores the original object state. Added Objects will be made transient.
2715 ········/// </summary>
2716 ········public virtual void Abort()
2717 ········{
2718 ············// RejectChanges of the DS cannot be called because newly added rows would be deleted,
2719 ············// and therefore, couldn't be restored. Instead we call RejectChanges() for each
2720 ············// individual row.
2721 ············createdDirectObjects.Clear();
2722 ············createdMappingTableObjects.Clear();
2723 ············ArrayList deletedObjects = new ArrayList();
2724 ············ArrayList hollowModeObjects = hollowMode ? new ArrayList() : null;
2726 ············// Read all objects from DataSet
2727 ············foreach (Cache.Entry e in cache.LockedObjects)
2728 ············{
2729 ················//Debug.WriteLine("Reading: " + e.pc.GetType().Name);
2731 ················Class cl = GetClass(e.pc);
2732 ················bool isFakeRow = this.IsFakeRow(cl, e.row);
2733 ················if (!isFakeRow)
2734 ················{
2735 ····················RestoreRelatedObjects(e.pc, e.relations);
2736 ················}
2737 ················else
2738 ················{
2739 ····················Debug.Assert(e.pc.NDOObjectState == NDOObjectState.Deleted, "Fake row objects can only exist in deleted state");
2740 ················}
2742 ················switch(e.pc.NDOObjectState)
2743 ················{
2744 ····················case NDOObjectState.Created:
2745 ························ReadObject(e.pc, e.row, cl.ColumnNames, 0);
2746 ························deletedObjects.Add(e.pc);
2747 ························break;
2749 ····················case NDOObjectState.PersistentDirty:
2750 ························e.row.RejectChanges();
2751 ························ReadObject(e.pc, e.row, cl.ColumnNames, 0);
2752 ························e.pc.NDOObjectState = NDOObjectState.Persistent;
2753 ························break;
2755 ····················case NDOObjectState.Deleted:
2756 ························if (!isFakeRow)
2757 ························{
2758 ····························e.row.RejectChanges();
2759 ····························ReadObject(e.pc, e.row, cl.ColumnNames, 0);
2760 ····························e.pc.NDOObjectState = NDOObjectState.Persistent;
2761 ························}
2762 ························else
2763 ························{
2764 ····························e.row.RejectChanges();
2765 ····························e.pc.NDOObjectState = NDOObjectState.Hollow;
2766 ························}
2767 ························break;
2769 ····················default:
2770 ························throw new InternalException(2082, "Abort(): wrong state detected: " + e.pc.NDOObjectState + " id = " + e.pc.NDOObjectId.Dump());
2771 ························//Debug.Assert(false, "Object with wrong state detected: " + e.pc.NDOObjectState);
2772 ························//break;
2773 ················}
2774 ················if(hollowMode && e.pc.NDOObjectState == NDOObjectState.Persistent)
2775 ················{
2776 ····················hollowModeObjects.Add(e.pc);
2777 ················}
2778 ············}
2779 ············cache.UnlockAll();
2780 ············foreach(IPersistenceCapable pc in deletedObjects)
2781 ············{
2782 ················MakeObjectTransient(pc, true);
2783 ············}
2784 ············ds.Clear();
2785 ············mappingHandler.Clear();
2786 ············if(hollowMode)
2787 ············{
2788 ················MakeHollow(hollowModeObjects);
2789 ············}
2791 ············this.relationChanges.Clear();
2794 ············AbortTransaction();
2795 ········}
2798 ········/// <summary>
2799 ········/// Reset object to its transient state and remove it from the cache. Optinally, remove the object id to
2800 ········/// disable future access.
2801 ········/// </summary>
2802 ········/// <param name="pc"></param>
2803 ········/// <param name="removeId">Indicates if the object id should be nulled</param>
2804 ········private void MakeObjectTransient(IPersistenceCapable pc, bool removeId)
2805 ········{
2806 ············cache.Deregister(pc);
2807 ············// MakeTransient doesn't remove the ID, because delete makes objects transient and we need the id for the ChangeLog············
2808 ············if(removeId)
2809 ············{
2810 ················pc.NDOObjectId = null;
2811 ············}
2812 ············pc.NDOObjectState = NDOObjectState.Transient;
2813 ············pc.NDOStateManager = null;
2814 ········}
2816 ········/// <summary>
2817 ········/// Makes an object transient.
2818 ········/// The object can be used afterwards, but changes will not be saved in the database.
2819 ········/// </summary>
2820 ········/// <remarks>
2821 ········/// Only persistent or hollow objects can be detached. Hollow objects are loaded to ensure valid data.
2822 ········/// </remarks>
2823 ········/// <param name="o">The object to detach.</param>
2824 ········public void MakeTransient(object o)
2825 ········{
2826 ············IPersistenceCapable pc = CheckPc(o);
2827 ············if(pc.NDOObjectState != NDOObjectState.Persistent && pc.NDOObjectState··!= NDOObjectState.Hollow)
2828 ············{
2829 ················throw new NDOException(79, "MakeTransient: Illegal state '" + pc.NDOObjectState + "' for this operation");
2830 ············}
2832 ············if(pc.NDOObjectState··== NDOObjectState.Hollow)
2833 ············{
2834 ················LoadData(pc);
2835 ············}
2836 ············MakeObjectTransient(pc, true);
2837 ········}
2840 ········/// <summary>
2841 ········/// Make all objects of a list transient.
2842 ········/// </summary>
2843 ········/// <param name="list">the list of transient objects</param>
2844 ········public void MakeTransient(System.Collections.IList list)
2845 ········{
2846 ············foreach (IPersistenceCapable pc in list)
2847 ················MakeTransient(pc);
2848 ········}
2850 ········/// <summary>
2851 ········/// Remove an object from the DB. Note that the object itself is not destroyed and may still be used.
2852 ········/// </summary>
2853 ········/// <param name="o">The object to remove</param>
2854 ········public void Delete(object o)
2855 ········{
2856 ············IPersistenceCapable pc = CheckPc(o);
2857 ············if (pc.NDOObjectState == NDOObjectState.Transient)
2858 ············{
2859 ················throw new NDOException( 120, "Can't delete transient object" );
2860 ············}
2861 ············if (pc.NDOObjectState != NDOObjectState.Deleted)
2862 ············{
2863 ················Delete(pc, true);
2864 ············}
2865 ········}
2868 ········private void LoadAllRelations(object o)
2869 ········{
2870 ············IPersistenceCapable pc = CheckPc(o);
2871 ············Class cl = GetClass(pc);
2872 ············foreach(Relation r in cl.Relations)
2873 ············{
2874 ················if (!pc.NDOGetLoadState(r.Ordinal))
2875 ····················LoadRelation(pc, r, true);
2876 ············}
2877 ········}
2880 ········/// <summary>
2881 ········/// Remove an object from the DB. Note that the object itself is not destroyed and may still be used.
2882 ········/// </summary>
2883 ········/// <remarks>
2884 ········/// If checkAssoziations it true, the object cannot be deleted if it is part of a bidirectional assoziation.
2885 ········/// This is the case if delete was called from user code. Internally, an object may be deleted because it is called from
2886 ········/// the parent object.
2887 ········/// </remarks>
2888 ········/// <param name="pc">the object to remove</param>
2889 ········/// <param name="checkAssoziations">true if child of a composition can't be deleted</param>
2890 ········private void Delete(IPersistenceCapable pc, bool checkAssoziations)
2891 ········{
2892 ············//Debug.WriteLine("Delete " + pc.NDOObjectId.Dump());
2893 ············//Debug.Indent();
2894 ············IDeleteNotifiable idn = pc as IDeleteNotifiable;
2895 ············if (idn != null)
2896 ················idn.OnDelete();
2898 ············LoadAllRelations(pc);
2899 ············DeleteRelatedObjects(pc, checkAssoziations);
2901 ············switch(pc.NDOObjectState)
2902 ············{
2903 ················case NDOObjectState.Transient:
2904 ····················throw new NDOException(80, "Cannot delete transient object: " + pc.NDOObjectId);
2906 ················case NDOObjectState.Created:
2907 ····················DataRow row = cache.GetDataRow(pc);
2908 ····················row.Delete();
2909 ····················ArrayList cdosToDelete = new ArrayList();
2910 ····················foreach (IPersistenceCapable cdo in createdDirectObjects)
2911 ························if ((object)cdo == (object)pc)
2912 ····························cdosToDelete.Add(cdo);
2913 ····················foreach (object o in cdosToDelete)
2914 ························ObjectListManipulator.Remove(createdDirectObjects, o);
2915 ····················MakeObjectTransient(pc, true);
2916 ····················break;
2917 ················case NDOObjectState.Persistent:
2918 ····················if (!cache.IsLocked(pc)) // Deletes k�nnen durchaus mehrmals aufgerufen werden
2919 ························SaveObjectState(pc, true);
2920 ····················row = cache.GetDataRow(pc);
2921 ····················row.Delete();
2922 ····················pc.NDOObjectState = NDOObjectState.Deleted;
2923 ····················break;
2924 ················case NDOObjectState.Hollow:
2925 ····················if (!cache.IsLocked(pc)) // Deletes k�nnen durchaus mehrmals aufgerufen werden
2926 ························SaveFakeRow(pc);
2927 ····················row = cache.GetDataRow(pc);
2928 ····················row.Delete();
2929 ····················pc.NDOObjectState = NDOObjectState.Deleted;
2930 ····················break;
2932 ················case NDOObjectState.PersistentDirty:
2933 ····················row = cache.GetDataRow(pc);
2934 ····················row.Delete();
2935 ····················pc.NDOObjectState··= NDOObjectState.Deleted;
2936 ····················break;
2938 ················case NDOObjectState.Deleted:
2939 ····················break;
2940 ············}
2942 ············//Debug.Unindent();
2943 ········}
2946 ········private void DeleteMappingTableEntry(IPersistenceCapable pc, Relation r, IPersistenceCapable child)
2947 ········{
2948 ············MappingTableEntry mte = null;
2949 ············foreach(MappingTableEntry e in createdMappingTableObjects)
2950 ············{
2951 ················if(e.ParentObject.NDOObjectId == pc.NDOObjectId && e.RelatedObject.NDOObjectId == child.NDOObjectId && e.Relation == r)
2952 ················{
2953 ····················mte = e;
2954 ····················break;
2955 ················}
2956 ············}
2958 ············if(pc.NDOObjectState == NDOObjectState.Created || child.NDOObjectState == NDOObjectState.Created)
2959 ············{
2960 ················if (mte != null)
2961 ····················createdMappingTableObjects.Remove(mte);
2962 ············}
2963 ············else
2964 ············{
2965 ················if (mte == null)
2966 ····················createdMappingTableObjects.Add(new MappingTableEntry(pc, child, r, true));
2967 ············}
2968 ········}
2970 ········private void DeleteOrNullForeignRelation(IPersistenceCapable pc, Relation r, IPersistenceCapable child)
2971 ········{
2972 ············// Two tasks: a) Null the foreign key
2973 ············//··············b) remove the element from the foreign container
2975 ············if (!r.Bidirectional)
2976 ················return;
2978 ············// this keeps the oid valid
2979 ············if (GetClass(child.GetType()).Oid.IsDependent)
2980 ················return;
2982 ············if(r.ForeignRelation.Multiplicity == RelationMultiplicity.Element)
2983 ············{
2984 ················LoadAndMarkDirty(child);
2985 ················mappings.SetRelationField(child, r.ForeignRelation.FieldName, null);
2986 ············}
2987 ············else //if(r.Multiplicity == RelationMultiplicity.List &&
2988 ················// r.ForeignRelation.Multiplicity == RelationMultiplicity.List)··
2989 ············{
2990 ················if (!child.NDOGetLoadState(r.ForeignRelation.Ordinal))
2991 ····················LoadRelation(child, r.ForeignRelation, true);
2992 ················IList l = mappings.GetRelationContainer(child, r.ForeignRelation);
2993 ················if (l == null)
2994 ····················throw new NDOException(67, "Can't remove object from the list " + child.GetType().FullName + "." + r.ForeignRelation.FieldName + ". The list is null.");
2995 ················ObjectListManipulator.Remove(l, pc);
2996 ················// Don't need to delete the mapping table entry, because that was done
2997 ················// through the parent.
2998 ············}
2999 ········}
3001 ········private void DeleteOrNullRelation(IPersistenceCapable pc, Relation r, IPersistenceCapable child)
3002 ········{
3003 ············// 1) Element····nomap····ass
3004 ············// 2) Element····nomap····comp
3005 ············// 3) Element····map········ass
3006 ············// 4) Element····map········comp
3007 ············// 5) List········nomap····ass
3008 ············// 6) List········nomap····comp
3009 ············// 7) List········map········ass
3010 ············// 8) List········map········comp
3012 ············// Two tasks: Null foreign key and, if Composition, delete the child
3014 ············// If Mapping Table, delete the entry - 3,7
3015 ············// If List and assoziation, null the foreign key in the foreign class - 5
3016 ············// If Element, null the foreign key in the own class 1,2,3,4
3017 ············// If composition, delete the child 2,4,6,8
3019 ············// If the relObj is newly created
3020 ············ObjectListManipulator.Remove(createdDirectObjects, child);
3021 ············Class childClass = GetClass(child);
3023 ············if (r.MappingTable != null)··// 3,7
3024 ············{················
3025 ················DeleteMappingTableEntry(pc, r, child);
3026 ············}
3027 ············else if (r.Multiplicity == RelationMultiplicity.List
3028 ················&& !r.Composition && !childClass.Oid.IsDependent) // 5
3029 ············{················
3030 ················LoadAndMarkDirty(child);
3031 ················DataRow row = this.cache.GetDataRow(child);
3032 ················foreach (ForeignKeyColumn fkColumnn in r.ForeignKeyColumns)
3033 ················{
3034 ····················row[fkColumnn.Name] = DBNull.Value;
3035 ····················child.NDOLoadState.ReplaceRowInfo(fkColumnn.Name, DBNull.Value);
3036 ················}
3037 ············}
3038 ············else if (r.Multiplicity == RelationMultiplicity.Element) // 1,2,3,4
3039 ············{
3040 ················LoadAndMarkDirty(pc);
3041 ············}
3042 ············if (r.Composition || childClass.Oid.IsDependent)
3043 ············{
3044 #if DEBUG
3045 ················if (child.NDOObjectState == NDOObjectState.Transient)
3046 ····················Debug.WriteLine("***** Object shouldn't be transient: " + child.GetType().FullName);
3047 #endif
3048 ················// Deletes the foreign key in case of List multiplicity
3049 ················// In case of Element multiplicity, the parent is either deleted,
3050 ················// or RemoveRelatedObject is called because the relation has been nulled.
3051 ················Delete(child);··
3052 ············}
3053 ········}
3055 ········/// <summary>
3056 ········/// Remove a related object
3057 ········/// </summary>
3058 ········/// <param name="pc"></param>
3059 ········/// <param name="r"></param>
3060 ········/// <param name="child"></param>
3061 ········/// <param name="calledFromStateManager"></param>
3062 ········protected virtual void InternalRemoveRelatedObject(IPersistenceCapable pc, Relation r, IPersistenceCapable child, bool calledFromStateManager)
3063 ········{
3064 ············//TODO: We need a relation management, which is independent of
3065 ············//the state management of an object. At the moment the relation
3066 ············//lists or elements are cached for restore, if an object is marked dirty.
3067 ············//Thus we have to mark dirty our parent object in any case at the moment.
3068 ············if (calledFromStateManager)
3069 ················MarkDirty(pc);
3071 ············// Object can be deleted in an OnDelete-Handler
3072 ············if (child.NDOObjectState == NDOObjectState.Deleted)
3073 ················return;
3074 ············//············Debug.WriteLine("InternalRemoveRelatedObject " + pc.GetType().Name + " " + r.FieldName + " " + child.GetType());
3075 ············// Preconditions
3076 ············// This is called either by DeleteRelatedObjects or by RemoveRelatedObject
3077 ············// The Object state is checked there
3079 ············// If there is a composition in the opposite direction
3080 ············// && the other direction hasn't been processed
3081 ············// throw an exception.
3082 ············// If an exception is thrown at this point, have a look at IsLocked....
3083 ············if (r.Bidirectional && r.ForeignRelation.Composition
3084 ················&& !removeLock.IsLocked(child, r.ForeignRelation, pc))
3085 ················throw new NDOException(82, "Cannot remove related object " + child.GetType().FullName + " from parent " + pc.NDOObjectId.Dump() + ". Object must be removed through the parent.");
3087 ············if (!removeLock.GetLock(pc, r, child))
3088 ················return;
3090 ············try
3091 ············{
3092 ················// must be in this order, since the child
3093 ················// can be deleted in DeleteOrNullRelation
3094 ················//if (changeForeignRelations)
3095 ················DeleteOrNullForeignRelation(pc, r, child);
3096 ················DeleteOrNullRelation(pc, r, child);
3097 ············}
3098 ············finally
3099 ············{
3100 ················removeLock.Unlock(pc, r, child);
3101 ············}
3103 ············this.relationChanges.Add( new RelationChangeRecord( pc, child, r.FieldName, false ) );
3104 ········}
3106 ········private void DeleteRelatedObjects2(IPersistenceCapable pc, Class parentClass, bool checkAssoziations, Relation r)
3107 ········{
3108 ············//············Debug.WriteLine("DeleteRelatedObjects2 " + pc.GetType().Name + " " + r.FieldName);
3109 ············//············Debug.Indent();
3110 ············if (r.Multiplicity == RelationMultiplicity.Element)
3111 ············{
3112 ················IPersistenceCapable child = (IPersistenceCapable) mappings.GetRelationField(pc, r.FieldName);
3113 ················if(child != null)
3114 ················{
3115 ····················//····················if(checkAssoziations && r.Bidirectional && !r.Composition)
3116 ····················//····················{
3117 ····················//························if (!r.ForeignRelation.Composition)
3118 ····················//························{
3119 ····················//····························mappings.SetRelationField(pc, r.FieldName, null);
3120 ····················//····························mappings.SetRelationField(child, r.ForeignRelation.FieldName, null);
3121 ····················//························}
3122 ····················//····························//System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Nullen: pc = " + pc.GetType().Name + " child = " + child.GetType().Name);
3123 ····················//························else
3124 ····················//····························throw new NDOException(83, "Can't remove object of type " + pc.GetType().FullName + "; It is contained by an object of type " + child.GetType().FullName);
3125 ····················//····················}
3126 ····················InternalRemoveRelatedObject(pc, r, child, false);
3127 ················}
3128 ············}
3129 ············else
3130 ············{
3131 ················IList list = mappings.GetRelationContainer(pc, r);
3132 ················if(list != null && list.Count > 0)
3133 ················{
3134 ····················//····················if(checkAssoziations && r.Bidirectional && !r.Composition)
3135 ····················//····················{
3136 ····················//························throw new xxNDOException(84, "Cannot delete object " + pc.NDOObjectId + " in an assoziation. Remove related objects first.");
3137 ····················//····················}
3138 ····················// Since RemoveRelatedObjects probably changes the list,
3139 ····················// we iterate through a copy of the list.
3140 ····················ArrayList al = new ArrayList(list);
3141 ····················foreach(IPersistenceCapable relObj in al)
3142 ····················{
3143 ························InternalRemoveRelatedObject(pc, r, relObj, false);
3144 ····················}
3145 ················}
3146 ············}
3147 ············//············Debug.Unindent();
3148 ········}
3150 ········/// <summary>
3151 ········/// Remove all related objects from a parent.
3152 ········/// </summary>
3153 ········/// <param name="pc">the parent object</param>
3154 ········/// <param name="checkAssoziations"></param>
3155 ········private void DeleteRelatedObjects(IPersistenceCapable pc, bool checkAssoziations)
3156 ········{
3157 ············//············Debug.WriteLine("DeleteRelatedObjects " + pc.NDOObjectId.Dump());
3158 ············//············Debug.Indent();
3159 ············// delete all related objects:
3160 ············Class parentClass = GetClass(pc);
3161 ············// Remove Assoziations first
3162 ············foreach(Relation r in parentClass.Relations)
3163 ············{
3164 ················if (!r.Composition)
3165 ····················DeleteRelatedObjects2(pc, parentClass, checkAssoziations, r);
3166 ············}
3167 ············foreach(Relation r in parentClass.Relations)
3168 ············{
3169 ················if (r.Composition)
3170 ····················DeleteRelatedObjects2(pc, parentClass, checkAssoziations, r);
3171 ············}
3173 ············//············Debug.Unindent();
3174 ········}
3176 ········/// <summary>
3177 ········/// Delete a list of objects
3178 ········/// </summary>
3179 ········/// <param name="list">the list of objects to remove</param>
3180 ········public void Delete(IList list)
3181 ········{
3182 ············for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
3183 ············{
3184 ················IPersistenceCapable pc = (IPersistenceCapable) list[i];
3185 ················Delete(pc);
3186 ············}
3187 ········}
3189 ········/// <summary>
3190 ········/// Make object hollow. All relations will be unloaded and object data will be
3191 ········/// newly fetched during the next touch of a persistent field.
3192 ········/// </summary>
3193 ········/// <param name="o"></param>
3194 ········public virtual void MakeHollow(object o)
3195 ········{
3196 ············IPersistenceCapable pc = CheckPc(o);
3197 ············MakeHollow(pc, false);
3198 ········}
3200 ········/// <summary>
3201 ········/// Make the object hollow if it is persistent. Unload all complex data.
3202 ········/// </summary>
3203 ········/// <param name="o"></param>
3204 ········/// <param name="recursive">if true then unload related objects as well</param>
3205 ········public virtual void MakeHollow(object o, bool recursive)
3206 ········{
3207 ············IPersistenceCapable pc = CheckPc(o);
3208 ············if(pc.NDOObjectState == NDOObjectState.Hollow)
3209 ················return;
3210 ············if(pc.NDOObjectState != NDOObjectState.Persistent)
3211 ············{
3212 ················throw new NDOException(85, "MakeHollow: Illegal state for this operation (" + pc.NDOObjectState.ToString() + ")");
3213 ············}
3214 ············pc.NDOObjectState = NDOObjectState.Hollow;
3215 ············MakeRelationsHollow(pc, recursive);
3216 ········}
3218 ········/// <summary>
3219 ········/// Make all objects of a list hollow.
3220 ········/// </summary>
3221 ········/// <param name="list">the list of objects that should be made hollow</param>
3222 ········public virtual void MakeHollow(System.Collections.IList list)
3223 ········{
3224 ············MakeHollow(list, false);
3225 ········}
3227 ········/// <summary>
3228 ········/// Make all objects of a list hollow.
3229 ········/// </summary>
3230 ········/// <param name="list">the list of objects that should be made hollow</param>
3231 ········/// <param name="recursive">if true then unload related objects as well</param>
3232 ········public void MakeHollow(System.Collections.IList list, bool recursive)
3233 ········{
3234 ············foreach (IPersistenceCapable pc in list)
3235 ················MakeHollow(pc, recursive);················
3236 ········}
3238 ········/// <summary>
3239 ········/// Make all unlocked objects in the cache hollow.
3240 ········/// </summary>
3241 ········public virtual void MakeAllHollow()
3242 ········{
3243 ············foreach(var pc in cache.UnlockedObjects)
3244 ············{
3245 ················MakeHollow(pc, false);
3246 ············}
3247 ········}
3249 ········/// <summary>
3250 ········/// Make relations hollow.
3251 ········/// </summary>
3252 ········/// <param name="pc">The parent object</param>
3253 ········/// <param name="recursive">If true, the function unloads related objects as well.</param>
3254 ········private void MakeRelationsHollow(IPersistenceCapable pc, bool recursive)
3255 ········{
3256 ············Class c = GetClass(pc);
3257 ············foreach(Relation r in c.Relations)
3258 ············{
3259 ················if (r.Multiplicity == RelationMultiplicity.Element)
3260 ················{
3261 ····················mappings.SetRelationField(pc, r.FieldName, null);
3262 ····················//····················IPersistenceCapable child = (IPersistenceCapable) mappings.GetRelationField(pc, r.FieldName);
3263 ····················//····················if((null != child) && recursive)
3264 ····················//····················{
3265 ····················//························MakeHollow(child, true);
3266 ····················//····················}
3267 ················}
3268 ················else
3269 ················{
3270 ····················if (!pc.NDOGetLoadState(r.Ordinal))
3271 ························continue;
3272 ····················// Help GC by clearing lists
3273 ····················IList l = mappings.GetRelationContainer(pc, r);
3274 ····················if(l != null)
3275 ····················{
3276 ························if(recursive)
3277 ························{
3278 ····························MakeHollow(l, true);
3279 ························}
3280 ························l.Clear();
3281 ····················}
3282 ····················// Hollow relation
3283 ····················mappings.SetRelationContainer(pc, r, null);
3284 ················}
3285 ············}
3286 ············ClearRelationState(pc);
3287 ········}
3289 ········private void ClearRelationState(IPersistenceCapable pc)
3290 ········{
3291 ············Class cl = GetClass(pc);
3292 ············foreach(Relation r in cl.Relations)
3293 ················pc.NDOSetLoadState(r.Ordinal, false);
3294 ········}
3296 ········private void SetRelationState(IPersistenceCapable pc)
3297 ········{
3298 ············Class cl = GetClass(pc);
3299 ············// Due to a bug in the enhancer the constructors are not always patched right,
3300 ············// so NDOLoadState might be uninitialized
3301 ············if (pc.NDOLoadState == null)
3302 ············{
3303 ················FieldInfo fi = new BaseClassReflector(pc.GetType()).GetField("_ndoLoadState", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
3304 ················if (fi == null)
3305 ····················throw new InternalException(3131, "pm.SetRelationState: No FieldInfo for _ndoLoadState");
3306 ················fi.SetValue(pc, new LoadState());
3307 ············}
3309 ············// After serialization the relation load state is null
3310 ············if (pc.NDOLoadState.RelationLoadState == null)
3311 ················pc.NDOLoadState.RelationLoadState = new BitArray(LoadState.RelationLoadStateSize);
3312 ············foreach(Relation r in cl.Relations)
3313 ················pc.NDOSetLoadState(r.Ordinal, true);
3314 ········}
3316 ········/// <summary>
3317 ········/// Creates an object of a given type and resolves constructor parameters using the container.
3318 ········/// </summary>
3319 ········/// <param name="t">The type of the persistent object</param>
3320 ········/// <returns></returns>
3321 ········public IPersistenceCapable CreateObject(Type t)
3322 ········{
3323 ············return Metaclasses.GetClass( t ).CreateObject( this.ConfigContainer );
3324 ········}
3326 ········/// <summary>
3327 ········/// Creates an object of a given type and resolves constructor parameters using the container.
3328 ········/// </summary>
3329 ········/// <typeparam name="T">The type of the object to create.</typeparam>
3330 ········/// <returns></returns>
3331 ········public T CreateObject<T>()
3332 ········{
3333 ············return (T)CreateObject( typeof( T ) );
3334 ········}
3336 ········/// <summary>
3337 ········/// Gets the requested object. It first builds an ObjectId using the type and the
3338 ········/// key data. Then it uses FindObject to retrieve the object. No database access
3339 ········/// is performed.
3340 ········/// </summary>
3341 ········/// <param name="t">The type of the object to retrieve.</param>
3342 ········/// <param name="keyData">The key value to build the object id.</param>
3343 ········/// <returns>A hollow object</returns>
3344 ········/// <remarks>If the key value is of a wrong type, an exception will be thrown, if the object state changes from hollow to persistent.</remarks>
3345 ········public IPersistenceCapable FindObject(Type t, object keyData)
3346 ········{
3347 ············ObjectId oid = ObjectIdFactory.NewObjectId(t, GetClass(t), keyData, this.typeManager);
3348 ············return FindObject(oid);
3349 ········}
3351 ········/// <summary>
3352 ········/// Finds an object using a short id.
3353 ········/// </summary>
3354 ········/// <param name="encodedShortId"></param>
3355 ········/// <returns></returns>
3356 ········public IPersistenceCapable FindObject(string encodedShortId)
3357 ········{
3358 ············string shortId = encodedShortId.Decode();
3359 ············string[] arr = shortId.Split( '-' );
3360 ············if (arr.Length != 3)
3361 ················throw new ArgumentException( "The format of the string is not valid", "shortId" );
3362 ············Type t = shortId.GetObjectType(this);··// try readable format
3363 ············if (t == null)
3364 ············{
3365 ················int typeCode = 0;
3366 ················if (!int.TryParse( arr[2], NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out typeCode ))
3367 ····················throw new ArgumentException( "The string doesn't represent a loadable type", "shortId" );
3368 ················t = this.typeManager[typeCode];
3369 ················if (t == null)
3370 ····················throw new ArgumentException( "The string doesn't represent a loadable type", "shortId" );
3371 ············}
3373 ············Class cls = GetClass( t );
3374 ············if (cls == null)
3375 ················throw new ArgumentException( "The type identified by the string is not persistent or is not managed by the given mapping file", "shortId" );
3377 ············object[] keydata = new object[cls.Oid.OidColumns.Count];
3378 ············string[] oidValues = arr[2].Split( ' ' );
3380 ············int i = 0;
3381 ············foreach (var oidValue in oidValues)
3382 ············{
3383 ················Type oidType = cls.Oid.OidColumns[i].SystemType;
3384 ················if (oidType == typeof( int ))
3385 ················{
3386 ····················int key;
3387 ····················if (!int.TryParse( oidValue, out key ))
3388 ························throw new ArgumentException( $"The ShortId value at index {i} doesn't contain an int value", nameof(encodedShortId) );
3389 ····················if (key > (int.MaxValue >> 1))
3390 ························key = -(int.MaxValue - key);
3391 ····················keydata[i] = key;
3392 ················}
3393 ················else if (oidType == typeof( Guid ))
3394 ················{
3395 ····················Guid key;
3396 ····················if (!Guid.TryParse( oidValue, out key ))
3397 ························throw new ArgumentException( $"The ShortId value at index {i} doesn't contain an Guid value", nameof( encodedShortId ) );
3398 ····················keydata[i] = key;
3399 ················}
3400 ················else if (oidType == typeof( string ))
3401 ················{
3402 ····················keydata[i] = oidValue;
3403 ················}
3404 ················else
3405 ················{
3406 ····················throw new ArgumentException( $"The oid type at index {i} of the persistent type {t} can't be used by a ShortId: {oidType.FullName}", nameof( encodedShortId ) );
3407 ················}
3409 ················i++;
3410 ············}
3412 ············if (keydata.Length == 1)
3413 ················return FindObject( t, keydata[0] );
3415 ············return FindObject( t, keydata );············
3416 ········}
3418 ········/// <summary>
3419 ········/// Gets the requested object. If it is in the cache, the cached object is returned, otherwise, a new (hollow)
3420 ········/// instance of the object is returned. In either case, the DB is not accessed!
3421 ········/// </summary>
3422 ········/// <param name="id">Object id</param>
3423 ········/// <returns>The object to retrieve in hollow state</returns>········
3424 ········public IPersistenceCapable FindObject(ObjectId id)
3425 ········{
3426 ············if(id == null)
3427 ············{
3428 ················throw new ArgumentNullException("id");
3429 ············}
3431 ············if(!id.IsValid())
3432 ············{
3433 ················throw new NDOException(86, "FindObject: Invalid object id. Object does not exist");
3434 ············}
3436 ············IPersistenceCapable pc = cache.GetObject(id);
3437 ············if(pc == null)
3438 ············{
3439 ················pc = CreateObject(id.Id.Type);
3440 ················pc.NDOObjectId = id;
3441 ················pc.NDOStateManager = sm;
3442 ················pc.NDOObjectState = NDOObjectState.Hollow;
3443 ················cache.UpdateCache(pc);
3444 ············}
3445 ············return pc;
3446 ········}
3449 ········/// <summary>
3450 ········/// Reload an object from the database.
3451 ········/// </summary>
3452 ········/// <param name="o">The object to be reloaded.</param>
3453 ········public virtual void Refresh(object o)
3454 ········{
3455 ············IPersistenceCapable pc = CheckPc(o);
3456 ············if(pc.NDOObjectState == NDOObjectState.Transient || pc.NDOObjectState == NDOObjectState.Deleted)
3457 ············{
3458 ················throw new NDOException(87, "Refresh: Illegal state " + pc.NDOObjectState + " for this operation");
3459 ············}
3461 ············if(pc.NDOObjectState == NDOObjectState.Created || pc.NDOObjectState == NDOObjectState.PersistentDirty)
3462 ················return; // Cannot update objects in current transaction
3464 ············MakeHollow(pc);
3465 ············LoadData(pc);
3466 ········}
3468 ········/// <summary>
3469 ········/// Refresh a list of objects.
3470 ········/// </summary>
3471 ········/// <param name="list">The list of objects to be refreshed.</param>
3472 ········public virtual void Refresh(IList list)
3473 ········{
3474 ············foreach (IPersistenceCapable pc in list)
3475 ················Refresh(pc);························
3476 ········}
3478 ········/// <summary>
3479 ········/// Refreshes all unlocked objects in the cache.
3480 ········/// </summary>
3481 ········public virtual void RefreshAll()
3482 ········{
3483 ············Refresh( cache.UnlockedObjects.ToList() );
3484 ········}
3486 ········/// <summary>
3487 ········/// Closes the PersistenceManager and releases all resources.
3488 ········/// </summary>
3489 ········public override void Close()
3490 ········{
3491 ············if (this.isClosing)
3492 ················return;
3493 ············this.isClosing = true;
3494 ············TransactionScope.Dispose();
3495 ············UnloadCache();
3496 ············base.Close();
3497 ········}
3499 ········internal void LogIfVerbose(string msg)
3500 ········{
3501 ············if (VerboseMode && LogAdapter != null)
3502 ············{
3503 ················this.LogAdapter.Info( msg );
3504 ············}
3505 ········}
3508 ········#endregion
3511 #region Class extent
3512 ········/// <summary>
3513 ········/// Gets all objects of a given class.
3514 ········/// </summary>
3515 ········/// <param name="t">the type of the class</param>
3516 ········/// <returns>A list of all persistent objects of the given class. Subclasses will not be included in the result set.</returns>
3517 ········public virtual IList GetClassExtent(Type t)
3518 ········{
3519 ············return GetClassExtent(t, true);
3520 ········}
3522 ········/// <summary>
3523 ········/// Gets all objects of a given class.
3524 ········/// </summary>
3525 ········/// <param name="t">The type of the class.</param>
3526 ········/// <param name="hollow">If true, return objects in hollow state instead of persistent state.</param>
3527 ········/// <returns>A list of all persistent objects of the given class.</returns>
3528 ········/// <remarks>Subclasses of the given type are not fetched.</remarks>