Mapping file and schema file

The Enhancer creates a mapping file, a SQL script, and an Xsd schema.

The mapping file is stored in the source directory of your assembly and is integrated into the Visual Studio project where you can directly edit it. After compilation and enhancement the file is copied to the exe directory of the assembly, which is typically bin\debug or bin\release.

The schema is created as an XSD file in a format that allows using it as an ADO.NET DataSet. The schema's filename always consists of the assembly name and the extension '.ndo.xsd'. It is stored in the executable directory of the assembly, which is typically bin\debug or bin\release.

The sql script generator uses the sql dialect of the NDO Provider chosen in the NDO configuration dialog. The script file is located in the executable directory of the assembly. NDO generates difference scripts too, allowing the change of existing databases according to changes of your classes.


If your assembly contains references to another assembly that itself includes persistent classes, the Enhancer combines the information from this base assembly and your new assembly. In this case the mapping and the schema files contain information about the classes of both assemblies.

This method ensures that the files NDOMapping.xml and <Assemblyname>.ndo.xsd are created in the exe directory of the application assembly.